JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 25



  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    Hello!!! Looking forward to another 10 days with all of you!!

    SW- 182.4 in March 2017
    GW - 145 - smashed this mid October

    My daily weighing has taken on a new purpose as I enter my 3rd month of working on maintaining my weight under 145...so far so good!!

    12/08 - 144.4 - coming in from round 24 with a rolling 7 day average of 143.5lbs
    12/09 - 142.6 - a little dip...
    12/10 - 141.8 - I'm starting to figure out my high-low pattern...as long as the average stays the same it's all good. Today is family cookie baking day...I'm not so much worried about the cookies as I am about the Chinese take out we always have because no one wants to make dinner after all that baking...
    12/11 - 143.0 - not bad considering how much beer and chinese food I had yesterday...
    12/12 - 143.2 - normal little upswing...
    12/13 - 142.6 - normal little dip....although my 7day rolling average is down to 143...so maybe it's a downward trend....will keep an eye on it. I don't feel like I'm eating at a deficit but I've been working extra days and I get tonnes of steps and flights of stairs in there so I may be burning more than I think.
    12/14 - 143 - had Christmas lunch after working in the showroom with my client's staff today...we'll see what tomorrow brings to the scale...

  • smc92079
    smc92079 Posts: 219 Member
    Round 13 SW: 232.4
    Round 14 SW: 232.4
    Round 15 SW: 229.0
    Round 16 SW: 225.6
    Round 17 SW: 224.2
    Round 18 SW: 223.6
    Round 19 SW: 223.6
    Round 20 SW: 221.2
    Round 21 SW: 219.6
    Round 22 SW: 217.4
    Round 23 SW: 214.6
    Round 24 SW: 212.6
    Round 25 SW: 208.2

    Round 25 GW: 206.2

    12/09 - 208.8 - Had some snacks last night that I didn't track. Really have to be better about that.
    12/10 - 208.6
    12/11 - 210.0 - Yup. Snacks. Ugh.
    12/12 - 210.4 - TOM is coming...
    12/13 - 209.0
    12/14 - 209.0 - don't mind holding steady

  • Conicornwell
    Conicornwell Posts: 4 Member
    Just joining in. what do we do in this group ?
  • rparkerslim
    rparkerslim Posts: 398 Member
    Starting Weight: April 2017: 242
    Starting Weight: R23: 215.5......Ending Weight: ? Vacation

    Starting Weight: R24: ? Vacation.......Ending Weight: R24: 215.4
    Starting Weight: R25: 216.7
    GOAL WEIGHT: R25: 212


    12/09: 216.7
    Ended 1.2 lbs. more than I started! But I will succeed in Round 25!

    12/10: 217.4
    Don't know what's going on! Eating within calories; exercising! Need to drink more water! My back has been hurting all week, maybe inflammation?? No matter; persistence is the key! Something's got to give, and it won't be me!

    12/11: 215.5
    Water and inflammation! I haven't really been working out like I should since my back has been hurting; now it's spreading into my hips and legs! Really don't want to make a doctor's appointment because I have one with the urologist on the 19th. Had one with the Gastrologist (sp) today, but I didn't make it! Tired!

    12/12: 214.6

    12/13: 213.7
    Haven't been exercising this week because of back pain radiating down into my hips and legs! Been taking muscle relaxers and pain meds; also wearing back brace. Need to make doctor appt. but I already have one with the urologist next week, so I'll have to wait until after Christmas. Been drinking more water and watching what I eat! I'll be out of town for the next 3 days, but I still intend on making my goal this round! Onward and downward!

    12/14: No scale! Out of town!
    12/15: No scale! Out of town!
    12/16: No scale! Out of town!
  • archersport
    archersport Posts: 65 Member
    Pregnant & gaining.
    R19 SW 158.9
    R20 SW 156.2
    R21 SW 162
    R22 SW 159.5
    R23 SW 164.9
    R24 SW 162.8
    R25 SW 163

    A) vitamins & hydration: 3+L water to support blood volume growth this week
    B) hit 75% protein goal, lose all empty sugar calories
    C) do 5 min of toning and complete daily move/stand ring. Complete exercise ring at least once every 3 days.
    D) Do a conscious activity/act of self-care. Log one session on ‘breathe’

    12/09 163.
    12/10 164.7? Batteries dying...
    12/11 167.4. Closed 2/3 activity rings! Yoga&meditation. Drove instead of walked to lunch just because I couldn’t find my hat (and motivation!) I could do better.
    12/12 164.3 1/4. Awake so early, really lagged this afternoon but did get out with the dog. Hoping to make a pool class tomorrow. Feeling so upset, being alone and trying to get stuff done while I am still mobile.
    12/13 162.5 4/4. nailed the goals today without even trying.
    12/14 166.0 4/4. Lowered expectations = goal slap. Yoga, sadly, isn’t getting any easier. The body is forgetting muscle memory. Just down to 4 days left?! Whoa.
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    SW 298lb
    GW 180lb

    Goal for R25 - 258lb (was goal for round 23 & 24 but plateaued so still aiming!!!)

    Getting harder at this time of year with lots of social events and lots of colds around making me crave bad things!!!

    12/09 - 265.2
    12/10 - 265.7
    12/11 - 265.7
    12/12 - 263.3
    12/13 - 262.3 really trying as have a weekend away 16th & 17th
    12/14 - 262.5
    12/15 - 263.3 so frustrating

    Previous Loss 24lb
    R21 Loss 6lb
    R22 Loss 2.5lb
    R23 Loss 0.2lb
    R24 Loss 1.5lb

    TOTAL LOSS 34.2lb
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Average weight per round
    R11 = 145.18 .....................R12 = 143.40
    R13 = 141.88 .....................R14 = 141.40
    R15 = 140.16 .....................R16 = 140.04
    R17 = 139.75 .....................R18 = 139.02
    R19 = 138.75. ....................R20 = 138.02
    R21 = 137.86......................R22 = 137.68
    R23 = 138.42......................R24 = 138.38

    So happy to have maintained last round as I was all over the place.

    I have 2 weeks to my friends wedding so I would like to lose 2lbs. So my mantras are going to be
    'eat that, gonna get fat' and 'eat less, move more'

    09/12 - 138.4
    10/12 - 138.2
    11/12 - 138.0
    12/12 - 137.6
    13/12 - 138.0
    14/12 - 137.4 I've got a shocking cough and cold at the mo. Positive - I'm not at work being tempted by all the cakes and sweets people bring in. Negative - I'm feel so dreadful that I can't do any exercise except shuffle between the kitchen and bed.
    15/12 - 138.0
    16/12 -
    17/12 -
    18/12 -