
Hello, I'm Mewwwww. I joined a bit back, but forgot to really get into the swing of things.
It is my crazy goal time.

...I have two months.

Yes, two months to lose a heckuv a lot of weight!

I have not yet taken measurements, but as snug as my clothing feels, I'd say it's very safe to assume that I need to do something about my life immediately. Why two months? Hmm, let's see what my crazy personal trainer can get me into lol.

Pics posted soon.


  • Darren4Health
    Darren4Health Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck!
  • stacia9968
    stacia9968 Posts: 5 Member
    I can relate on what your saying about the clothes fitting snug. That's when I start to step up my game too. You can do it!! Just stay focused!!