Anyone else into martial arts?

Just thought I'd have post to see if i can find other people doing martial arts! Haven't seen too many so far I don't think!


  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member

    Currently learning Praying Mantis Kung Fu
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I do Muay Thai (Thai kickboxing)
    MBSNANA Posts: 149 Member
    I wish that I was in better shape so I could take the course. I go four nights a week to watch my 8 year old grandaughter.She is a blue belt in TaeKwonDo.[hand and foot Karate] Tonight she goes for her next test to move to the rank of blue senior. I guess you can tell I am one proud nana.:love:
  • tkdgirl23
    What style do you study? I study Taekwondo Taeguk style - I am currently going for my 2nd degree black belt.

    Love martial arts !! and 45 minutes of vigorous Taekwondo burns like 700 calories !

  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    myself no :( but my husband is an instructor :) and loves it
  • jaycurran
    :D Its great to see that there are other people into martial arts on here!
    I'm an instructor in traditional ju jitsu, attempting my second degree black belt grading in november.
    Also a newbiw to brazillian jiu jitsu.
    Hoping to find a good Mauy thai class, or Kempo class near me to get stuck in there too.
    Martial arts are such good stress relievers..though they very quickly become an obsession lol, with me anyways.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I am a Tai Chi instructor.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    I'm a 2nd degree black belt in Uechi-ryu kerate, which is an Okinawan style with roots in Kung-fu. I think I'll be testing for third degree next Spring.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    I study choy lay fut kung fu. It's great.
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    i do 'bar-fighting'.

    its a good workout
  • jforddesign
    jforddesign Posts: 14 Member
    I am nearing my black belt with my academy. We train in Tai chi chuan, Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, and Shaolin. My primary focus

    though is Seven Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu (Qi Xing Tang Lang Quan). I am also a beginner capoeirista. I do plan on taking

    Brazilian Ju Jitsu sometime in the future! I hold a black belt in JuJitsu from my high school days.
  • jforddesign
    jforddesign Posts: 14 Member
  • ninjahonor
    I study American Kenpo here myself! Been at it for some time, hold a third degree brown, testing for 2nd degree in a few months if things continue as they have been.

    I also studied Danzan-Ryu Ju-jitsu when I was younger.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I use to study Tae Kwon Do but had to move away for work and when i got back the dojang had closed down and moved 40 miles away and i can't afford the gas :(

    was also in Haidong Gumdo for a little while but the instructor was such a self righteous prick i stopped going.
  • almostgoth
    almostgoth Posts: 15 Member
    I'm currently doing Brazilian Juijitsu. I dabble in Muay Thai and boxing. I also have my brown belt in Judo. I'm training pretty regularly in jujitsu, and I'd like to become active in Judo again-so I can compete for my black belt :)
  • Zeyda
    I am learning Shaolin Kung Fu.
  • Narvinye
    I am also studying Shaolin Kung Fu! I am currently a green belt but having to retrain after I quit for a year. I'm glad to be doing it again and this time keeping track of when and how often I practice through MFP! Not only is Shaolin COOL, if I practice an HR a day I can eat a lot more lol!
  • tkdgirl23
    I just recently found out , I might not be able to continue in Taekwondo , due to my knees... which is breaking my heart. Taekwondo is a lot of kicking and jumping.

    I was suppose to test in July for my second degree black belt.. but I have postponed it till my knees get better.

    Can anyone recommend a martial arts, that does not have negative repercussions on the knees ? Martial Arts is probably one of the most important things in my life, besides my children and husband.. I'm very sad to think I might not be able to continue it at all..

  • Legally_Natural
    Legally_Natural Posts: 101 Member
    Yep! I do taekwondo
  • megaron01
    megaron01 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm currently doing kickboxing/muay thai about 3 times a week & thinking about adding brazilian jujitsu to my work out regimen.........this stuff is so fun that it's not like working out at all............