I’m pretty dang motivated! Here is why.

I was always in good shape up until a few years ago but a lost my mojo and just couldn’t get it back; not much inspired me. I was in the queen mother of funks...that is until the last couple of months. My inspiration/motivation has been my wife. She is in her early 40’s, a fitness fanatic and was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer several months ago. She had surgery and has been going through weekly chemo.

When she went to the doctor for the first time to talk about upcoming chemo, her first question was “can I still workout?” The doctor gave her the green light to do as much or little as she wanted to do; she is currently running and lifting AND doing chemo. She has her workouts planned around severe nausea that hits her two-ish days a week. Nausea is a side effect of her chemo.

I even called the doctor and made sure this was OK; it seemed a little extreme. The doc told me that exercising was perfectly fine.

Yesterday, we got home from chemo and as soon as she got home, she went for a run and knocked out 100 burpees “to get a jump on tomorrow’s sick day”. She does not complain about how sick she is, no complaints, no grunts or groans. She just gets it done.

Whenever I think of how I had a tough day at the office and just can’t drag my lazy carcass to the gym, I get a little embarrassed. It’s been great for my motivation. All of my reasons for not working out are pretty insignificant in comparison.

Also, AT LEAST 50 people have come to us together or individually and told us how inspired they were by her determination and they were going to start or stick with their workout.

Let’s all go put some work in!
Have a great weekend!


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's cancer, but I hope she can overcome it. Sounds like she's very determined and good for you for being there for her. Thanks for sharing your inspirational story! Best wishes for you both.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    I can bet she is going to be a survivor with this left behind as a memory. Take her cue and follow her lead! Do not fall behind she needs you beside her!
    She is my hero! <3
  • orangegato
    orangegato Posts: 6,570 Member
    Thank you for posting this. It hits close to home and will help me find motivation.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    What a woman! You are one lucky man.
  • Akkael
    Akkael Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you for sharing this! It is very inspiring and I needed the reminder!