5’2 females, how are you maintaining?

Time is here for me to maintain at 120lbs after a 51lbs loss, woohoooo! Feels so liberating. I work out 6xs a week (3xs a week I run and 3xs a week I lift), I have gained a lot of muscle which i am so happy about. I was wondering, what is your calorie maintenance? Did you see weight go up at first?


  • Armywife04_21
    Armywife04_21 Posts: 60 Member
    Congratulations! Very proud of you. How long did it take to drop the 51 lbs? I'm also 5'2" - and at 147 right now, down 17 pounds in 5 months -- 27 more to go to reach your weight!! I would guess that your maintenance calories will have alot to do with your age (resting metabolism) - and how hard you are actually working out. I'm also thinking you might need to shock your body by switching up your workout routine - our bodies do get 'efficient' - so a little shock now and then does them some good.

    Thank you! I started almost 7 months ago, it def was a rough start but I kept at it with lots of consistency when it came to nutrition and exercise. I only worked out 5xs a week before, then as I got more fit I added the extra day.

    I see a lot here that people’s maintenance definitely differ even with the same height. I suppose it has a lot to do with how much muscle you have, how much lifting you want to do and how active you continue to be. I’m not sure if you are lifting, but I seen a huge difference in toning my body and fat loss after I incorporated weights into my training. If I was able to do it, so can you!!!! You’ve got this!!

  • Armywife04_21
    Armywife04_21 Posts: 60 Member
    Sam29a wrote: »
    becky10rp wrote: »
    I'm 5'2" and have been in maintenance for about 3 years. I also work out 6 x a week - I weigh 113 at the moment - I try to keep it under 120. I eat about 1200 - 1400 calories a day.

    Oh dear god. I'm really hoping I get to eat more than this when I'm maintaining! I'm around the same as you, 5'2 and 111 lbs and currently losing on 1300 calories, albeit VERY slowly. I don't even exercise, but hopefully will in January. How are you finding eating that little and exercising? I felt ravenous when I was working out 5 days a week.

    I agree with this, 1200-1400 seems extremely low, no way I can eat that low with my training lol.
  • Armywife04_21
    Armywife04_21 Posts: 60 Member
    Sam29a wrote: »
    becky10rp wrote: »
    I'm 5'2" and have been in maintenance for about 3 years. I also work out 6 x a week - I weigh 113 at the moment - I try to keep it under 120. I eat about 1200 - 1400 calories a day.

    Oh dear god. I'm really hoping I get to eat more than this when I'm maintaining! I'm around the same as you, 5'2 and 111 lbs and currently losing on 1300 calories, albeit VERY slowly. I don't even exercise, but hopefully will in January. How are you finding eating that little and exercising? I felt ravenous when I was working out 5 days a week.

    What are you trying to lose at 111lbs and 5’2, makes me feel overweight! Lol your current weight right is def aiming for the lower spectrum of height
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,066 Member
    5'1.75 so technically 5'2 of course. I am putting in about 25-30 miles running a week and horseback riding. My TDEE at 59 and maintaining 100 lbs is about 1800 cals in. MFP thinks BMR is about 1200. It's definitely an individual thing. There are women on here VERY happy at 140 lbs and 5'2" and all in between. What weight/body comp (18% BF) works for me may be way too low for another. And I felt really heavy at 130 when I started. So, you have to decide for yourself and the same with intake, you probably have enough data to slowly add and see what it takes to maintain where you want to be.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I'm 5'2 and my maintenance plan right now is Low Carb OMAD for 3 days and Regular OMAD for 2 days and then 2 Feast days...I'm maintaining between 127 and 130 :)
  • krael65
    krael65 Posts: 306 Member
    5'1" @113lbs. Workout 5-6 days a week. Maintaining between 1290 and 1320 since July. I'm still in a recomp process and probably will be for a couple more months.

    Just curious - is that before you add workout calories?
  • BeccaLoves2lift
    BeccaLoves2lift Posts: 375 Member
    Hello, I'm 33 years old and 5'2" 115# and I maintain eating around 1900/2000 cals a day. I lift 4-6 days a week and am otherwise moderately active.
  • 4JWS
    4JWS Posts: 14 Member
    Hi fellow 5’2 friends! I’m getting close to maintenance after losing 12 pounds from 130 to 118 with a goal weight of 112. Looking for friends in the same range to stay motivated! Just learning how to use the apps extra features but Would appreciate any friend invites in the same boat.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Op, every one is different. But it should be easy for you to figure out. How many calories have you been eating daily while losing weight and how much have you lost weekly on the average? Then you can add on calories from there.

    I weigh daily so I know if I need adjustment. But at maintenance I probably eat about 1800-2000. I’m just under 5’2”. Maintenance weight in the past was around 100lbs. Currently I’m 117 post baby and letting things go for awhile.