Need to lose 80lbs...looking for friends!

hey guys.

Just started with this sight a few weeks ago and so far it has been the best thing for me! I have found that the few friends I have on here are SO helpful, supportive and inspirational.

I would love to have a few more of your that would love to go on this journey together.

I am hoping to lose 80lbs by May 27, 2012 - My 13th wedding anniversary. I know it is possible if I push it and don't just go through the motions...but it is going to be hard...and every little bit of motivation and support helps!

Also, how do you add the great goal signatures to the bottom? Dump question I know, but I keep searching and can't figure it out!

Good luck to everyone on their journey to a healthier self!


  • Hey there I am needing to lose about 50 pounds and new here also. I only know a few people on here so If you want to add me that would be great for both of us :smile: Good Luck on your journey!!!!
  • esslgs
    esslgs Posts: 29
    Good morning,
    I'm in the same boat. please feel free to friend me and maybe we can tackle this challenge together! I started last week and have lost 3 pounds so far...
    Take Care
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I would love to be your friend. :flowerforyou:

    I have a goal of losing 80 pounds total, too, and have already lost most of them. I didn't lose as quickly as you are going to lose, it took since May 2009 for me to lose around 73 so far. Slow is best, in my opinion because my brain has had time to catch up with my body.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • feel low need a kick up bum :happy: anyone want a good honest friend feel free to give me a holla
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    My goal is almost the exact same as yours...80 pounds by May 25, 2012 (my birthday)!! Let's do this!
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    I started at 165 and have only lost 10 lbs so far so like you, anxious to lose this weight. I want to get to 135. I will add you as a friend if you like. I too have wondered how they add the goal bar???? I have no idea. We will keep plugging in here together and we can do this :)
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    welcome!! i am also new here and in need of friends and emcouragement.:flowerforyou:
    i have more weight to lose than you do. the important thing is WE CAN DO THIS!! we need to keep FOCUSED..:bigsmile:
    have a great day and be strong on your journey.. HUGGZ.. please feel free to add me as friend..:happy: :happy:
  • Hi,I joined this website a couple of days ago, I am so overweight my Insurers wont offer me an Insurance because the risk is too high, Im too scared to know what I am in stones so am just weighing myself in Kg, This website is just so encouraging and helps you to choose the right balance, please feel free to add me as a friend, we can give each other some encouragement, so far I am doing well even though its only day 2, if I fail this then I dont know the answer, so Im going to make it work for me. take care x
  • Add me too, I started with 110 lbs. to lose, 22 down so far so I'm about 80 something <cough> more to go. This is a great way to do it, my friends are GREAT support!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Hey there! Feel free to friend me! I've been on the site since February 2010. I've lost some, and gained a lot (I was pregnant)! I'm finally back to losing as my baby is 8 weeks now and I'm working out again! I was 213lbs the day I delivered. Today I'm 184.6 and my ultimate goal is between 140-145. I know I have a long rough road ahead but I CAN do this, and so can you! Good luck!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Feel free to add me. I had 124 pounds to lose and I have already lost 63! It took me 10 months to lose that much and I'm guessing it's going to take me longer to lose the last 61! I'm pround to say that I have lost over half what I need to lose! Woo Hoo! And all with help from my friends at MFP!
  • 140150
    140150 Posts: 27
    i need to lose 80 lbs too! i started at 220 lbs, i'm 213.8 lbs, and i want to be 140 lbs. we can support each other!

    ( and you should be able to make a ticker by going to Tools, then Tickers, then you can customize it. :) )
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    if you need a friend, i would be more than happy to be included..:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    i am fairly new here and not many friends so far. my goal is losing about 100 lbs so i can be off all my medications and be/feel healthier..:smile:

    have a great day and enjoy the by day..:heart::heart:
  • run1977
    run1977 Posts: 2
    I am in the same boat as you, I started out needing to lose 75 to 80 lbs, I have lost 21lbs so far. I have struggled with my weight all of my life, and even more so since December 13, 2010, I quit smoking. Me and my husband decided to do this journey together and I have found that it is easier with a partner. You can add me as a friend.:smile:
  • You are capable of doing anything you want to, just be strong and stick to it, if I mess this diet up I could end up where I dont want to, as my Insurers wont insure me for life because of my weight, that says it all, I found this site 2 days ago, it just HAS TO WORK for me. Hey think of all the lovely clothes you will beable to buy and the lovely little dresses you can buy, you can make a target for a particular outfit with all matching acessories for say loosing a stone at a time, or what my daughter did was her and her friends went on a diet together, when they got to their taarget they went on a pamper day.
    Ive only just started, and with the palpitations I get it really makes me worry, maybe when I have lost a couple of stones I might need some encouragement myself, as long as your making some progress then thats GOOD I know it may be slower but it is STILL coming off, good luck
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    I'd love to have another MFP friend as I work on losing the remaining 24 lbs.!
  • Monica_in_MO
    Monica_in_MO Posts: 162 Member
    Hi, there! I also had 80 pounds to lose (started at 222 and have a goal of 140) and have lost 55 since Dec. 28, 2010. You CAN do it!! Feel free to add me as a friend as well.
  • I was new on Wednesday. I find this site so encouraging, my health isnt too good, and my Insurers wont insure me, its vital I loose some weight asap, I am really sticking to it, what I like about this site is that it calculates it all up for you and gives you a healthy balance to work out. I also am on meds and am looking forward to the day I can throw them away, good luck with your diet, feel free to add me take care
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    Welcome and yes I would like to be your friend. I too, am new to the site, one month old :happy: add me! Ciao
  • Awesome goals! And you will reach them!
    If you ever feel like slacking just remember how good you are going to feel!
    Try HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) that is how I lost 90lbs in less then a year!
    And make sure to eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours keep that metabolism revving.