Looking for some friends to join me on a Winter Walk and Wellness Challenge

jodiecrandall Posts: 151 Member
edited December 2017 in Challenges
”It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more!” ~Dr Suess

You don’t have to do it all, and you don’t have to do it alone!!!

The Holiday Season can be overwhelming in so many ways! All the extra Holiday “Hustle and Bustle” mixed with a touch of the ‘Winter Blues” can really create a dark cloud that follows us around! Most of our health and wellness goals get pushed off until the New Year!

My goal in creating this challenge is to inspire you to keep your health goals in mind throughout the season by taking small, daily steps in the right direction! Together, let’s pull ourselves out of the slump and feel better about ourselves, feel more confident and productive. I’m not asking you to commit to any unreasonable goals that you know you simply won’t be able to stick to. You may not have the time to spend an hour a day in the gym but we all can find 10 minutes a day to take a brisk or leisurely walk! (preferably outside but feel free to jump on an elliptical or treadmill inside if weather is bad) Let’s work on things one tiny, baby step at a time.

True wellness is about small changes that turn into habits, and that’s what we’re focusing on during the 5-Day Winter Walk & Wellness Challenge. We’ll commit to taking just a few moments each day to clear our heads, focus on what’s really important and just “Be Present” and “Live in the Moment!”

Are you with me??? Let’s commit to taking a quick 10 minute walk each day (or longer if time and energy allows) and we’ll cheer each other on throughout the week! We will also chat about some of our favorite wellness tips to stay on track during the holidays! Both physically and mentally!

Join us! The challenge is happening in our group. :)



  • jodiecrandall
    jodiecrandall Posts: 151 Member
    Sharing Day 1 of the Challenge to give you an idea of what it’s like. Not too late to join us!

    Welcome to the first day of our Winter Walk & Wellness Challenge! I’m so excited to prioritize small steps (literally and figuratively) with you this week – one daily walk at a time. All I ask in at least walk for 10 minutes a day, 5 times this week. Walk more if time and energy allows!

    That’s the thing about a healthy lifestyle. All it takes is small changes over time that turn into daily healthy habits. If you are following a strict "diet", you likely will have success, short term. However, most people are not able to adhere to a strict diet for very long. Which brings me to my first wellness tip for you --

    Practice the 90/10 approach vs. strict dieting.
    90% of the time, fill your plate with clean, filling, healthy foods! Foods like salad greens, a variety of veggies, lean proteins, healthy grains and don't forget some healthy fats! This means 10% is left for indulgence. That’s right, you don’t have to totally give up treats-- you actually get to add them in! With this approach, you can add in 1 or 2 Christmas cookies occasionally~GUILT FREE! So you don’t feel deprived and you are able to maintain this healthy eating lifestyle forever!

    As you are putting food on you plate or even packing your lunch, remember the attached picture and your plate should look like this! Half of your plate, fill with veggies. There's such a huge variety of veggies, you should never get bored! 1/4 of your plate should be lean proteins. That leaves 1/4 of your plate for healthy grains. Things like whole wheat pasta, rice, quinoa, perhaps some red, roasted potatoes! Again, there's such a variety of healthy grains available to us. Be sure to mix em up and end food boredom! Having a sweet tooth? Add in some fruit! That's nature's dessert!


    So for today's challenge, make sure at least 1 of your meals today looks like this plate! And truly, try to eat as many meals you can this way! Fill up on those veggies! And that leaves room for having a sweet indulgence when you need to. That's the 90/10 approach to a healthier lifestyle!

    Feel free to share a pic of your plate with us!

    Enjoy your walk today!
    Be Mindful and Well,