not new but starting again

Hi, i joined ages ago but didnt really give it my full effort and as a result 6months or so has passed and im the same as when i joined..
i am really going to give it ago now and would like to add people as friends on here for some moral support,, if you would like to add me please do,
i have approx 2 1/2 stone to shift which is weight gained during my 3 pregnancies,, i would like to ideally be 10stone again which is what i was 7 yrs ago before i fell pregnant for the 1st time,i know its going to be hard and im really going to try this time i am getting quite depressed by my size now and am fed up of the children prodding my (squidgy belly as they call it) dont u just love kids,,,i would really like to hear from anyone who would like to do this weight loss journey together.., thanks,, good luck to every1..


  • YeOldeLancer
    Hi feel free to add me. The hardest part is getting started....afterwards it becomes habit....then it becomes necessity! MPF has been great for me and my fiance. We're much different people now than we were even a month ago! Have the kids be active with you if you can also :)
  • smoore85
    smoore85 Posts: 68 Member
    thanks,, yeah im ok getting started the 1st week ill be fine but then i get tempted to snack again,, just need to stick it out this time,, i used calorie counting after my 2nd was born 4 yrs ago and lost a stone i religiously weighed stuff etc but since then i fell pregnant again and the weight piled on again,, i try to be active with kids they r 6,4,2 so do run about after them and we walk alot so thats good,, fingers crossed,, good luck to u too, keep up the good work, xx
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    We sound like sisters! I just started back this week after a four month lapse. I'm trying to lose weight from 3 pregnancies also. I need to lose 1.5 to 2 stones. We can do this! :)
  • macmaisie
    macmaisie Posts: 19 Member
    Hey, I'm trying to start again too, after having a pretty bad month(pretty much eating anything!) and I've got about the same weight to lose too : ) I think the key is having support, so your welcome to add me, and we can try and help each other!
    Good luck, you can do it! Xox
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    Yep, that sounds just like me! The first week is usually great... I've already lost 2 pounds in 3 days, but then life gets in the way! This time needs to be different!
  • YeOldeLancer
    Sounds like a hella good time with the kids :) It also sounds like you know what to's just a matter of getting motivated and doing it again! Just keep thinking that it's for a better you. Once you see the weight come off, you'll be motivated to do it more and more!
  • smoore85
    smoore85 Posts: 68 Member
    yep we can do this positive thinking and will power.. blooming kids eh making us gain all this weight,, good job they r worth it,, good luck..xx
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    LOL... Yep, they change everything! Good luck to you, too!
  • smoore85
    smoore85 Posts: 68 Member
    yep sounds like me, eating anything and everything... gotta curb it now though b4 i get any bigger,, good luck honey,, x
  • YeOldeLancer
    I've been finding that the more dedicated I've become, the less those unhealthy foods appeal to me. It's weird but awesome at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I sometimes will crave that pizza or ice cream, but it's not nearly as much as it use to be. Your willpower will grow to the point it becomes habit and not willpower at all :)
  • Staceslim
    Staceslim Posts: 100 Member
    I don't remember when I started now & I can't find it anywhere but I wish I could say I was just starting. When I first came on, I lost some now that I think about it was probably water weight. I also have three children ages 8, 6 & 3. I love them dearly but when I think about it I wish I would have been way more careful with how much I ate while I was pregnant.
    I developed diabetes between the second & third pregnancy. My third baby was almost three pounds heavier than the first two, that was due to me not being careful of what I ate. I love to walk but if I take the boys then its not excercise because they don't really move fast enough. I feel that the way I am always doing stuff for them during the day I am moving at a good pace but its definately not enough. We bought an elliptical trainer a few years ago, so I have begun to use it but then I fell off the wagon about a month or more ago & now just can't seem to get myself moving again. I have wonderful friends on here so that really helps & I feel really bad that I am not trying harder. I can't blame it on anybody but myself, so I need to moooovvvvvveeee. Please add me & I will really try my darndest to motivate you.