Save my *kitten*?

Logging daily is keeping me somewhat motivated but I'm just starting out (two weeks on Friday Dec.22), and, ya know, motivation wains. I definitely think I should take advantage of the support that can come along with the MFP community so feel free to add me! Trying to lose 50-60 lbs & last weigh in was down 1.4lbs...I'm off like a herd of turtles! Soooo yeah, the community/motivation aspect of this app will probably, literally, save my *kitten* from time to time.


  • Lolo422
    Lolo422 Posts: 8 Member
    I did not say "Kitten" Lol. They couldn't have come up with a better replacement for the alternative word for donkey?? No cursing on MFP I guess.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    It is a long and colorful story about the kitten thing.

    Well played, @Noel_57 :lol:
  • Lolo422
    Lolo422 Posts: 8 Member
    Well now I'm as curious as a...
  • TurquoiseZ
    TurquoiseZ Posts: 1 Member
    That's hilarious! Save my kitten. I'm new as well. Lets lose some weight!
  • Barfly57
    Barfly57 Posts: 333 Member
    Forget motivation, it's a bad friend. Think discipline instead. Consistency. Routine. Habit. Schedule workouts and be as strict about them as you would with any appointment. Log your food because you "have to".
    This is a long term relationship, and you've got to have something to hold onto after that first blush of infatuation fades.

    1.4 lbs in how long? Less than 2 weeks? That's still ~1 lb a week. Not bad.
  • Lolo422
    Lolo422 Posts: 8 Member
    1.4 after 1 week. Only weighing in once a week. Support helps me stay motivated. Motivation helps me stay disciplined. For me they all work together...and I'm stubborn so I've got that going for me.
  • Rick_1953
    Rick_1953 Posts: 596 Member
    Lolo422 wrote: »
    Logging daily is keeping me somewhat motivated but I'm just starting out (two weeks on Friday Dec.22), and, ya know, motivation wains. I definitely think I should take advantage of the support that can come along with the MFP community so feel free to add me! Trying to lose 50-60 lbs & last weigh in was down 1.4lbs...I'm off like a herd of turtles! Soooo yeah, the community/motivation aspect of this app will probably, literally, save my *kitten* from time to time.

    @Lolo422 hi and welcome to mfp. Logging is the key. Motivation not so much. To really change ones lifestyle you have to have the desire and discipline to keep at it. Measure success in small goals like losing say 5lbs at a time. I will send you a friend request for support.
  • mkronenberg
    mkronenberg Posts: 1 Member
    I thought save my kitten was a new slang phrase. :) It sounds good, like “man you really saved my kitten back there, thanks, buddy.”

    I have found logging helps a lot. You know why you lost or gained because of what you ate. Also, if you’ve stalled, you can go back and find good weeks, then try to eat the same foods to get back on track.
  • Lolo422
    Lolo422 Posts: 8 Member
    @Barfly57 @Rick_1953. Hey guys, I appreciate the intent. Your words are definitely well meaning, but please don't assume that people are asking for advice when they say they're looking for support. Former ballet dancer/current Massage Therapist here, so I know quite a bit about discipline, routine, adopting a lifestyle, what my body/mind can handle, etc. I know even more about what I personally need to do to reach a goal. What works for one person is not always going to work for another (my clients unknowingly remind me of this regularly). Hope this doesn't come off as rude, but I'm not looking for a coach, just a community to share with from time to time.