Determination gone WRONG

cecilia49 Posts: 15
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
There is so much on my mind I do not know where to start!
I want to say I know that I am the one to blame for these feelings but I still feel horrible.
I am going on vacation in 2 days and I am the lowest point of my life! Between feeling disgusting and looking disgusting but most of all feeling unattractive. I knew I had this trip and I promised to behave and be discipline for the 2 months before the vacation, but as always I didn’t succeed! My boyfriend who I live with just shared with me that me complaining again about my weight is just another phase! His exact words
“You are going to go back to not following your exercise routine and complain! You need to find the moment within yourself when you are ready to change this”
His statement is totally true but it hurt me so much. I do get motivated for 3 weeks and then I drop out! SMH! I give the best motivational speech on determination and consistency BUT, when it comes to following my own advice I obviously FAIL!
Anyways, Im heading off to bed, I have a trip in 2days so I need to plan.



  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    We all take three steps forward, two steps back. Don't beat yourself up over it! "Failing" is a really learning process, figuring out what components are necessary for you to succeed!
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    Oh boy can I relate to you. But here's the thing. Go enjoy that vacation and have the best time of your life. You won't get those days back once they're gone. When you come back, sit down, make a plan of attack and start fresh. It's all you can do....start over. Have a great trip!
  • Skmellyg
    Skmellyg Posts: 158 Member
    I think you are setting yourself up for failure. Meaning what you say to yourself. If you think negative about yourself you are never going to get anywhere. That needs to stop. Know that there will days where you just don't feel like it and those the days you just have to push through. Do you have any accountability partners? And I mean good ones. Not ones that tell you, oh I k ow you would fail, ones that will push you? I think your BF meant well but wording was not well. Believe in yourself. You are worth it. Add me if you like.
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    It happens to the best of us... My degree is in health science education so I know all the right things but have never been able to "stick" to the right things. But you have to just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back to it!
    You really have to just take it one day at a time. The more days I am on the right path the better I feel and that doesn't mean there were days that I strayed from my plan. I have always done best when I has super good support and weight loss buddies. I was doing great on my own using MFP but I was getting very close to complacent so I joined a challenge group on here for august. I have worked out MORE this week than I have since I started because I am being held accountable by my team... If you need a friend feel free to add me and we can support each other!

    Good luck to you and enjoy your vaca!
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    I hope you can have a good vacation. I am about to go home from mine and I have been around someone who makes a lot of comments about what me and my kids eat, but sneaks the food that he says we shouldn't eat.

    Hard on the mind.

    I have been trying to stay connected to this site and feel better. I haven't weighed myself in about 2 wks and I don't know if I'm losing weight, but I'm finding out stress makes me gain. So, I hope you can just do the next right thing and be happy with that.
  • Thank you all for your comments and advise. You are all right I need to enjoy my vacation and feel good about myself. I used to have so much confidence and “Swag” (the good one) and the more I gain the less I had. I will be starting Grad school soon and I will make sure I stay connected to this site and myself. In life there are things you can’t control and can. My weight is something I can control so it’s up to me to control it! And I will. Thank you ALL
  • That was my husband and I exactly. We ate healthy for a day or two, but went back to eating anything and not working out. Years and years of frustration in dressing rooms, jealousy of thin friends, and general bad health were interspersed with "healthy" phases. They came they went, I lost 5lbs and I gained 5lbs. Finally a couple months ago I almost cried because I was trying on shorts at Target and the 16s didn't fit. Over. My. Dead. Fat. *kitten*. I stormed out of the store with my husband looking concerned and I started eating better and working out regularly. It's going to be a lifetime of work, but I finally got to the point where I realized that I'm 24, I'm unhappy with myself, I'm unhappy with my husband's health, I'm dressing in clothes I barely like just because they fit. If I don't change it now, I might never do it.

    You have to inspire and motivate yourself, not with words that work for others, but with words, images, ideas that move YOU. For me, wanting to look good for a season, or a holiday only is not enough, but for others it is. Why do you WANT to get healthy? What will MAKE you do this? Only you can figure that out, and I wish you all the luck in the world.
  • jrk412
    jrk412 Posts: 13
    Hi there,
    I just wanted to say that I totally hear you, and I want you to be nice to yourself!

    I know the feeling of being disappointed with yourself for falling off the wagon. The only way to get those voices in your head telling you that you suck to shut up is to tell them "back off, I'm doing something about it". Just calm down, drink a big glass of water, and do what will make you feel proud of yourself. Commit to at least one thing that you can do differently, because it will make you feel good that you haven't given up. Just get back on and try again.

    Enjoy your vacation too!!!!
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