Difficulty Reaching Calorie Goal!

Hello all,

So- I LOVE food and I also really enjoy working out. Its a balance and the struggle is REAL. However, I am having a hard time reaching my daily caloric goal of 2130 WITHOUT eating a bunch of crap. Eating enough "healthy" foods to reach this goal is a bit difficult. I have one protein shake after I workout, but maybe I should incorporate another one throughout the day? Any advice and or tips would be great!


  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    Peanut butter
    Cook with oil
    add butter to your toast
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,028 Member
    edited December 2017
    What do you define as "healthy"? I eat "junk" food all the time. I would quit focusing so much on "healthy" food versus "crap" food and just eat foods you like that get you to your goal. You wouldn't eat nothing but "junk" food. You shouldn't have to eat nothing but "healthy" food either.
  • geordie_magic
    geordie_magic Posts: 9 Member
    Go for 2 30g scoops of protein powder twice a day one 1st thing in the morning and the other post workout. Try adding some peanut butter & avocados into diet and you'll have no worries hitting your daily macros.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Peanut butter...

    Plus, eating a doughnut or pizza or whatever else you class as 'junk' doesn't negate the nutritional value of all the other stuff you've eaten that day...
  • geordie_magic
    geordie_magic Posts: 9 Member
    As long as your daily macros are on point i wouldn't worry to much about the odd so called crappy food choices. Everything in moderation, crap food choices here and there will do your progress no harm at all #FACT
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    There are plenty of foods you can add to your day to bump up your calorie intake without over-doing volume.

    On my active days I find it easy to just add an extra chicken breast or some more potatoes to a meal, use full fat mayo instead of a light dressing. If you don't want to add extra to your meals, then an extra snack like a protein bar or additional shake, a piece of fruit or some nuts is easy enough to incorporate.
  • Karrie078
    Karrie078 Posts: 13 Member
    i hear ya. I tend to do ok, but its an effort to meet my protein goal. I have to work for that one. I work out hard 5 days a week and need that protein. I know what to eat and how much but its still an effort. I usually need the help of at least one protein suppliment during my day. I naturally dont eat a lot in one sitting, so I most of my calories are considered a "snack" in the app.