Down 157lbs and stuck!

I have lost 157lbs in less than a year and a half and it seems like I can’t make the scale move anymore. I really want to lose another 75-80lbs so that I can have skin removal surgery, but nothing is happening anymore. Help!


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Amazing job! Have you taken a diet break recently?
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    You've lost so much it's hard to even help with the stuck part. I feel kinda dumb even asking, but...

    Do you use a food scale?
    How long have you been stuck?
    Have you recalculated calories as you've lost?
  • justmargie
    justmargie Posts: 171 Member
    I do use a food scale, and I am really consistent with my workouts and consumption. I am almost contemplating being bad for the next week to shock my body and hit it hard again. I just fear gaining weight or even not being able to come back from being bad.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited December 2017
    Diet break like @malibu927 suggested may be a good idea. Eat at maintenance from 8 weeks or so, then go back to deficit.

    Consider it maintenance practice. You're going to have to do that when you hit goal weight anyway.
  • justmargie
    justmargie Posts: 171 Member
    It’s definitely worth a shot, and you are right. I’ll need to do it anyway when I reach goal.
  • ekim2016
    ekim2016 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I can relate as I've been stuck for months too... which is fine that I'm not gaining a pound but odd to not be losing anymore but may be my meds. I consider it maintenance level now. Good luck!
  • trigger2391
    trigger2391 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok I have a different perspective as I've dealt with plateaus too

    1. Mix it up. Variety is the spice of life and you need to change up your routine. Your body is biologically predisposed to adapt to be as efficient as possible based on regular tasks. It always wants to use less energy to do the same work.
    2. You know what to do forget what the scales are saying for a couple of weeks you could be building muscle as your loosing fat. Focus on increases in functionality. I can walk 2ks in 20m instead of 25 and not feel as pooped after etc
    3. Your body is not a machine while the numbers on paper are good your body might not want to cooperate. Try breaks, intermittent fasting
    4. Recalculate your energy expenditure but factor in a diminished BMR and work off that for a new calorie deficit.
    5. Finally maybe you won't see a change till you have the skin removal. I know people who have had the surgery who lost 20kg after straight up just in excess skin and fat deposits
    6. Breathe and keep plugging away
  • justmargie
    justmargie Posts: 171 Member
    Thank you. That was super helpful.
  • ChelleDee07
    ChelleDee07 Posts: 396 Member
    First, congratulations on your loss and you look beautiful!! I think you have received some great advice above and I agree with taking a break from it all... you have come this far, you are not going to go back to your old ways after just a week break. Maybe consider just having a WEEKEND break (this weekend would be perfect since it's Christmas and you could relax and just enjoy yourself). Also changing up your workout routine could really mix things up a lot and get things moving once again.
    I lost 100 lbs from January 11th to Sept 15 this year. I maintained for about 2.5 months with me eating healthy and being on the straight and narrow Monday morning through Friday morning and being more lax'd on the weekends. My weight would be up on Mondays from eating out, eating foods I typically don't consume anymore and especially the sodium (from said foods)... but by Wednesday I'd have it back down to my lowest. I decided a little over a week ago to go ahead and push for 10 more pounds down... I currently have 5 to go. Christmas will interfere... but that is okay, it is all part of our learning process of 'getting back on track'. You must trust yourself... you have changed your lifestyle... you won't go back! You got this!! Shock that body and tell it who is boss!!!
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    Lots of great help here already. The only thing I can add is please get the "being bad" thinking under control. It's going to cause big problems with maintenance down the road.

    Congratulations! I hope you have/will post this in "success stories".
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    Wow! Great job. It doesn't even look like the same person. Congrats!
  • aaronagostini
    aaronagostini Posts: 72 Member
    Really inspiring to read a success story like this. I know you hit a point where you aren't seeing the success you have previously, but you really have show that you have the habits you need to succeed. Like they said above, you got this!