I *really* want to log my weight today...

infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
yes, I'm a weigh every day kind of person. I shouldn't! But I do. My regular weigh-in day is Tuesday. This week at my Tues weigh in I didn't lose any weight.. no gain, but no loss. Well, this morning I got up and weighed in 1.2 pounds under my Tues weight! I am sure that with a careful weekend and plent of exercise, I'll show that and maybe more on Tuesday, so I need to be patient.


I am rewarding myself every time I reach a mini-goal. This weight puts me under my very first one! This current mini-goal is to get below 210 lbs. I've picked out a lovely white watch to symbolize the fact that it's "time" to change my habits. I want my watch!!! lol... I'm trying to pick rewards for each 10 pounds that have a weight-loss/healthy-living symbol. So, the watch for "time", once I get below 200 (OMFG! That's next!) I'll get a new brand of makeup fixing spray, because I'm going to make this lifestyle change "stick" ... lol... I'm a dork! I think the next goal after that will be new shoes, because I have to keep putting one foot in front of the other.


  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Dude! Reward yourself. I totally did when I saw my halfway point (that was my mini goal) :-)

    Congrats btw!!
  • MedievalFreak
    Hehehehe, I love your whole nerdiness about this! It's awesome!

    AND CONGRATSSSSS! It's a great feeling meeting a mini goal! Keep up the good work
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    I try to only post on Saturday or Sunday, however when I do as you have and find a good loss, I do go ahead and log it, it's extra motivation for me. You have to decide on your own how you want to handle it. Everybody does there's differently!

    Good luck on your journey - time to get moving... :laugh:
  • jbinga
    jbinga Posts: 38 Member
    I would wait. Maybe it'll motivate you to really eat healthy this weekend and work out. I was down a little this morning too (after a couple of rough weeks) and I really wanted to log mine too. But my weigh in day isn't until Monday and so I'm waiting. Although I'm not getting a reward. :) Just my thoughts...do what you gotta do, girl!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I would reward yourself if you think it's deserved. I wouldn't reward myself based on pounds lost though, more on things changed...eating habits, consistant exercise, those things show a real life change. And your watch can be a reminder of the hard work you've put into, not really the results out of it.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Great job! And don't worry about being a daily weigher. How often you weigh is a matter of personal preference. There are arguments for and against every possible weighing interval with none being the clear best for everyone. Personally, I weigh and record every day (to see the little ups and downs and to connect how I eat to how it affects my body), but I only update my HRM once a week. Keep up the good work and definitely reward yourself! :smile:
  • Charlottekd
    I really love your mini-goal rewards!

    My rule is, if you see the same number on the scale 3 times, 5 minutes apart then its a true reading. Count it and go get your watch!! xx
  • welshie007
    Well, and I'll probably not be popular for this .........if you weigh on your allotted weigh in day, Tuesday, and find that you are no longer at that target you may feel a little deflated (weekends are a killer we know this), so you may feel it lessons your achievement.

    Personally, I'd wait. As jbinga says, it'll motivate you to make sure you keep it off. I use daily weigh ins to ensure I'm still on track, but I don't log the weight.

    Good luck. Let us know what happens next week. Love. X:flowerforyou: X
  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member
    Go for it! It's your journey :smile: I was only weighing in on 'my' day, then I realized - Hey I can do what I want. If it makes you feel good and motivates you, do it :drinker:
  • Bunn11
    Bunn11 Posts: 47 Member
    Do it! -I'm a daily weigher too & I think knowling that you've already hit your next goal BEFORE your next official weigh in date will motivate you more. Reward yourself you've been working hard! :drinker:
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    It's a huge accomplishment and I say log and reward! I think not logging everyday is just meant to protect you from getting discouraged when you have one of those weird up days and they happen to everybody... They just mean you're getting your water:-) You're loss is legitimate and you should grab it and be proud:flowerforyou:
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    I weigh in daily. However, I don't have a weigh in day. I log a weight when I see it 3 days in a row.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I weigh daily and I only log my weight when I have lost. I agree, it's always a mood booster to be able to record a loss.
  • reidhome
    reidhome Posts: 26
    I'm SO excited for you!! I, too, am a "daily weigher". First thing when I wake up. Some people say you shouldn't, and I do know that weight fluctuates, but it helps me to know - before an entire week has gone by - that I'm moving in the right direction. My goal is to be under 200....by 8/26. I've been working out every day (my soon-to-be-10-yr-old son "dared" me to go to the gym every day until we go on vacation (2 weeks from today). I've been doing it! =)

    I realize that I still have hope to be somewhere NEAR my goal (at least under 150) by my 40th birthday (2/4). That's 50lbs in 6 months. Not just focusing on the numbers, but on being healthier, I still think that is do-able as a goal!

    Have a GREAT weekend of health!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I weigh daily and I only log my weight when I have lost. I agree, it's always a mood booster to be able to record a loss.
    I do this, too. I usually track my daily weight in my food log, so I can see it but only record new lows so my friends don't keep congratulating me for losses that aren't "real."

    If you've hit your goal weight for a reward, then I say reward yourself. You might until tomorrow to make sure the loss has really "stuck", but if it has, there's no time like the present to get a present!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    :flowerforyou: I also weigh every day. Most people cannot do that without driving themselves crazy, but I know if I weigh in at 142 one morning and the next morning I weigh 145, I know enough that I obviously just had too much sodium and I need to increase the water intake and watch the sodium more carefully. When I see my weight go down, even if it is 1/2 pound, I log it, no matter that day it is. I would also reward myself for that weight....my next reward is 140 lbs....another 1.5 pounds away....I can't wait. So, log it, and reward yourself girl!!!! You deserve it!!!
  • wrgawife
    wrgawife Posts: 61 Member
    That's a great idea of rewarding your self for the mini- goals. Thanks fot the idea. and keep up the good work you are doing an awesome job!!!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'M GONNA DO IT. lol!!!!!

    Thanks guys... I wouldn't be making as much progress as I have without MFP!!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    That's a great idea of rewarding your self for the mini- goals. Thanks fot the idea. and keep up the good work you are doing an awesome job!!!

    Thank you! The mini-goals and small rewards really help me. These are things I would normally just buy myself anyway... I can justify spending $20 on this-and-thats all day long! Making myself wait for them and 'earn' them makes the purchases special, and keeps me motivated. (it's also helped the size of my bank account!)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'm SO excited for you!! I, too, am a "daily weigher". First thing when I wake up. Some people say you shouldn't, and I do know that weight fluctuates, but it helps me to know - before an entire week has gone by - that I'm moving in the right direction. My goal is to be under 200....by 8/26. I've been working out every day (my soon-to-be-10-yr-old son "dared" me to go to the gym every day until we go on vacation (2 weeks from today). I've been doing it! =)

    I realize that I still have hope to be somewhere NEAR my goal (at least under 150) by my 40th birthday (2/4). That's 50lbs in 6 months. Not just focusing on the numbers, but on being healthier, I still think that is do-able as a goal!

    Have a GREAT weekend of health!

    You can TOTALLY do 50 pounds in six months! I am going to try to get 70 pounds down in nine months.. With the amount of motivation I've had the last three months, I think I will be able to get pretty damn close.
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