How do you stay motivated?

How do you personally stay motived? What activities do you do, what apps do you use, who do you look for?

Personally I use the app 'Done' to track my streaks. It makes me think twice about skipping a workout or getting fast food as it will ruin my streak. MFP, of course and the Apple Watch/Health combo has kept me most motivated. I like to watch youtubers although I don't have any specific favorites, I'm open to suggestions.

Excited to hear what other things people do and what works for you!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I love the "streak" feature here on MFP - I was actually agitated enough to get it fixed, one time it had mysteriously reset. But most of all, I like to make life enjoyable - I plan and cook meals I want to eat, so fast food and readymeals don't even appeal that much to me anymore. I don't do any planned exercise; almost all my activity has a purpose of its own.
  • thiswillhappen
    thiswillhappen Posts: 634 Member
    I stay motivated with:
    * my fitbit to track my steps and calorie output for the day
    * non-food related rewards (spa days, nails, bubble baths, books)
    * walking my dog no matter how crappy I feel that day
    * weighing in weekly
    * reading MFP threads of people's journeys, losses, victories and challenges! So motivating and so inspirational to realize that people just like you have had the same struggles and still achieved so much
  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    Motivation is fickle. Build habits. I never (like 100% never) want to get out of bed at 4AM to work out but I get it done 6 days a week anyway. I know that I'll hate myself if I don't and it's just part of my routine.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I've been at this good livin' thing for over 5 years...if I relied on motivation, I'd be a lost's a fleeting emotion that ebbs and flows like the tide. As exercise goes, I primarily cycle and lift and enjoy both of those things as exercise and recreation/hobbies so it's not very often that I don't feel like doing them as planned. If I'm not feeling it (which is rare), I evaluate why...more often than not it's because I haven't been getting enough rest and recovery or I had a bad nights sleep or something...from there, I just determine whether or not I should just do it or if I need to actually take a rest and address wellness in some other manner like maybe a relaxing yoga session at home or something...or maybe just a veg night watching t.v.

    As food goes, I don't have many issues either. Cooking is something I find enjoyable and provides an outlet for about the only artistic ability I have...I also find it relaxing and it helps me wind down from the day. I enjoy trying new recipes and serving up delicious and healthy meals. Fast food has never been a particular issue for me as I've never found it to be particularly good and not something I crave in the least...about the only time I have it is when we're on road trips. I do enjoy pizza and we eat it once every week or two...also pub grub about once a month...usually after rock climbing...for whatever reason I always crave it and a pint of beer after climbing.

    Ultimately, long term it comes down to routine and habits. When those healthy habits are in place, people don't tend to deviate from them much.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    joemac1988 wrote: »
    Motivation is fickle. Build habits. I never (like 100% never) want to get out of bed at 4AM to work out but I get it done 6 days a week anyway. I know that I'll hate myself if I don't and it's just part of my routine.

    ^^^ This 100%. Foster good habits and structured discipline. For me that was setting my workout and work clothes out the night before to make my workout and morning routine more efficient, not carrying change/small bills to use in the vending machine at work, and making a commitment to weighing myself daily and logging everything accurately.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    For me, it's all about building habits, keeping my eyes on the prize, feeling good about myself and my progress, and not letting blips get me down.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    For me, it's all about building habits, keeping my eyes on the prize, feeling good about myself and my progress, and not letting blips get me down.

    I agree with this.

    Trying to stay motivated is a losing battle for me. For me, good decisions typically lead to more good decisions, and bad decisions typically lead to more bad decisions. So I try to stay focused on my goals and what I need to do to get there... then once the snowball is rolling, it's easier to keep it rolling.

  • TrueGrit1906
    TrueGrit1906 Posts: 54 Member
    I use fitbit heavily... I like the challenges. I box, cycle, looking to increase weight training over the winter months. I use straw, garmin connect, mfp, and fitbit apps regularly.
  • bradlycave83
    bradlycave83 Posts: 8 Member
    Motivation lies within. Change won't come until you make it happen. Well, that's what I tell myself. Stay Driven!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Good habits are important. But definitely just logging onto MFP helps keep me motivated; watching the effort my friends are putting in every day, celebrating their successes with them, and coming to these forums with their never ending stream of health and fitness based conversations. I have most of my notifications turned off, but I keep an eye on that login streak. It's my way of reminding myself of my commitment to good health, day in and day out.
  • SexyManTrackingCalories
  • Ardael
    Ardael Posts: 244 Member
    I set up goals and then look for accountability.
    I set a step goal for the month and do everything I can to keep my streak above the line.
    I do my scale trips on Monday mornings so it keeps me from overdoing at the week end.
    I told my kids about my dieting and exercising and they cheer me on. Nothing keeps you motivated like a 4yo coming to you saying "Mummy you look so good today, I'm super proud of you ! High Five !"
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    I use JEFIT for lifting and it helps me to progress...

    But honestly, it's not about motivation, you can have all the reason in the world and still not act...

    It's about momentum

    After several years, I'm not necessarily motivated to work out everyday, I mean I have goals and all and strive to achieve, but I'm really on auto pilot... I just get up and go without hesitation because I've been doing it consistently for so long now, it would be much harder to stop
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    My gym had a saying on the membership card (not a saying that they made up):

    "Motivation gets you started, habit keeps you going."