5’2 females, how are you maintaining?



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited December 2017
    5ft 2 here and 48/ 125-128lbs, maintain on 1950-2000 calories - I'm lightly active.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    My wife is 5'2"ish...her maintenance is around 2300 calories

    I used to maintain on 2300 when I was doing 20k+ steps a day/running. Ahh that was a nice amount to eat ...oh well, I just have to suck it up and be happier on less these days.
  • marygraci999
    marygraci999 Posts: 1,917 Member
    I am 5'2 128 pounds lost 32 pounds since June... I workout everyday to maintain
  • Barb815
    Barb815 Posts: 4 Member
    5'2 135 lbs. Have lost 30 lbs. Goal is 132 for healthy BMI.
  • Armywife04_21
    Armywife04_21 Posts: 60 Member
    5ft 2 here and 48/ 125-128lbs, maintain on 1950-2000 calories - I'm lightly active.

    Do you eat back your exercise calories? Because I’m on lightly active, although I do run 12-15 miles in total a week, but that’s what I put on here. Anyway, it gave me 1,720 calories
  • kickflipsaway
    kickflipsaway Posts: 13 Member
    5"1' at 119.5 lbs for the last 3 weeks.

    Apparently I'm eating an average of just over 1700k/cal per week and burning 2000 k/cal per week according to fitbit, but I'm about to shake up my exercise plan. Strength training 4x a week and cardio 4x a week on the same days (strength in the morning, cardio in the afternoon). So, I'll probably eat more or lose weight? I work out only on those 4 days, because I work 12+ hour shifts 3x a week where I usually burn at least 2000 k/cal.

    Anyway, cheers to my short friends. :)
  • Biker_SuzCO
    Biker_SuzCO Posts: 54 Member
    5’3’’ 40 Years old. 125 ish. Maintain on around 1800. I run 12 miles/week and do you tube videos 2x/week. Eat more on running days cause it makes me so hungry!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited December 2017
    5ft 2 here and 48/ 125-128lbs, maintain on 1950-2000 calories - I'm lightly active.

    Do you eat back your exercise calories? Because I’m on lightly active, although I do run 12-15 miles in total a week, but that’s what I put on here. Anyway, it gave me 1,720 calories

    as I'm in maintenance yes I eat every single one back as I know that 1950+ is maintenance. If I had a more sedentary day then my TDEE would drop to 1600. I have quite a lot of muscle though, I think that helps. I bank calories for the weekend so Mon-Fri I eat 1800 cals roughly (no longer log just keep a mental tab), so on Sat and Sun I can eat 2200-2400 approx. Works a charm :smile: In fact I recently I dropped a further 5lbs over a period of two months so its looking like my TDEE has changed again in my favour :smile:
  • tamarawilmot
    tamarawilmot Posts: 4 Member
    I am also 5'2", and I live in South Africa (we work in Kg's and meters or centimeters, so I will try and convert for you).
    At present I weigh 67kg (148lb), but to be fair I did break my ankle at the start of November, so there was always going to be some weight gain - 3kg (7lb) in fact, so I did weigh 64kg (141lb). I was pretty active before the accident, trail running and spinning/ cycling 4 - 5x a week.
    I am trying to stick to a 1200/ day plan. Some days are better than others, but mostly I do ok.
    My biggest challenge is to not eat too much (portion sizes). I am also an emotional eater, so when I am bored or down, or anything like that, I eat.
    How does everyone stay so disciplined, and motivated? I try to stick to low-carb diet, with either oats or Futurelife in the mornings, and then fruit, veg and protein the rest of the day, but I really struggle to say "no" if there is desert or red wine going.
    I really need to drop 5 - 10kg, but the thought of going hungry makes me even sadder.
    Help please :-)
  • tamarawilmot
    tamarawilmot Posts: 4 Member
    @RunRutheeRun Thanks so much for the postive feedback. Having this broken foot, really has had me down in the dumps. I am studying to be a Personal Trainer, and this injury has got me feeling less than happy & positive.

    You mentioned "calorie dense" foods. What examples do you have?

    I pack crudite salad boxes, for my husband & I, each lunch, but they get boring, so it may be time to add in a hummus or something.

    I normally walk a minimum of 10k steps a day, and hopefully I will get back to this, as I become more mobile again.

    Pintrest is a super idea, I must get back into that :-)

    Thank you again.

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited December 2017
    when I mean calorie dense I'm thinking cake/chocolate/bread..not that there's anything wrong with them but they use up too many of our precious calories. If we want to feel satiated we eat filling foods, a mix of protein/fibre/fat and carbs.

    You're doing great if you are prepping your lunches in advance :smiley: thats a great habit. Yes hummus is yummy, also I like some sweet or hot chilli sauce with veggies. Anything that makes our food tastes awesome instead of bland eh :smiley:

    While you are off your feet you just need to keep an eye more on your intake, but losing weight will still happen if you are eating at calorie deficit.

    You will soon recover, this is only temporary so don't be too hard on yourself ok.

    I'm happy to help :smile:
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited December 2017
    also @tamarawilmot for some more ideas for you... :smile:

    I have a few go to lunches that I prepare ahead:
    tuna pasta salad with either chilli sauce or tomato/pepper relish - yum and really filling for 350-400 cals
    Egg mayo salad wholewheat sandwich - 380 cals
    Chicken and egg salad with wheaten bread. around 400 cals Plenty of colourful salad veg, add a few nuts and you've got a filling and very tasty meal. Balsamic dressing is yum and is low cal.

    Dinners are inclined to be mostly home made curries / pastas / casseroles/ soups/ salads - I like to cook :smile: . If we get adequte protein, fats and fibre we wont feel hungry. :smile:

    My meal ratio is breakfast 300/ lunch 350-450 and dinner 500-600 plus snacks 300 for maintenance. When I was in losing phase I kept my snacks to 150 and shaved 100 cals off my dinner - and bam! 0.5lb lost per week on average :smile:

  • Armywife04_21
    Armywife04_21 Posts: 60 Member
    As @RunRutheeRun stated, motivation really does come and go. If I only went to the gym when I was motivated, I would seldom be there. I have to get up very early, make time for my workouts before going to work and do it all over again the next day. It is all about building a habit, for we are creatures of habit. Slowly, after exercising for a while, it’ll be second nature and your body will even crave it. When I first started it was incredibly hard, I couldn’t run more than half a second, I was in pain, I was frustrated and I was mad at myself for getting to that point. I didn’t give up though, I started being more patient and not try to sprint because my body was only able to WALK. Now, I run 12-15lbs a week, 51lbs loss and I am on maintenance and it feels damn good. Yes it takes a lot of work and dedication, but it is so worth it.

    When it comes to emotional eating, I know nothing about because I can’t stand the thought of food when I’m down, but that is not to say I can’t give you some pointers: go for a walk, paint something, take a bubble bath, paint your nails, listen to upbeat music, create a gratitude journal, go outside and meditate, make yourself some tea or coffee (use Stevia and single serve creamer 10c), watch a comedy and allow yourself 1 bag of Skinnypop popcorn

    I hope this help! None of us are experts by any means, it is all trial and error to find out what truly works for us.
  • Ponyta98
    Ponyta98 Posts: 2 Member
    5'2", petite frame and 90lbs, maintaining at about 1700 per day. I walk 3-4 miles a day, plus 45 minutes on my stair stepper machine (due to the short days and colder weather, otherwise I normally walk 5 or 6 miles a day). I lift weights 3x per week, just a short 15 minutes or so each time and it keeps my muscles nicely toned. Stretch throughout the day. 58yo.
  • iheartmakeup01
    iheartmakeup01 Posts: 35 Member
    I’m 5’2ish maintainence for me is 2300-2400 calories weighing 109lbs, 5 lifts and 3-4 post 20 mins cardio, but right now I’m cutting
  • 350ppm
    350ppm Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 100ish. I don't track rigidly, but I'd guess most days between 1500-2200? Maybe average of about 1700/1800.

    I try to be active in some form every day-even if it's just walking outside for 30 minutes.
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I am between 5'2" and 5'3" and maintain around 105 (give or take a pound or two) on about 1400 calories. I play tennis a few times a week, plus yoga/pilates/barre classes, and a couple of "bootcamp" or HIIT-style classes. I try to get in some kind of workout most every day.

    But for the two weeks of my recent vacation, I didn't exercise at all and ate every carb in the NYC metro area (as it is hard to find good bagels and pizza where I live now.) Normally I walk a ton (like 10 miles a day) when I am in the City, so I don't stress out about skipping the gym...but this trip it was freezing...so we took Ubers everywhere. So now I'm working to shed the few pounds I gained over the holidays.
  • jessylynn76
    jessylynn76 Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations!!! It is great to finally get to the maintenance phase. If you change your weight loss goal to "Maintaining my current weight", that should be a good start. If your goal had been to lose a pound a week, they would have given you a deficit of 500 calories per day, as long as it didn't take you below 1200/day. You might have to enter your exercise at the beginning of each day and plan to eat those calories if you continue to lose more than you want to.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm 5'2, 43, maintenance range 118 +/- 2 lbs.

    I have a desk job and average 10-12K steps/day in winter. Do circuit training 2-3 times/week.

    Maintenance cals for me per my FitBit and actual results are around 2000-2200. Cold weather and busy times at work means I'm less active now than normally, in spring/summer/fall I average about 15k steps and can eat 2200-2300. I've been maintaining for about 3 years now.

    OP I recommend slowly adding cals in from your deficit, maybe 100 cals/week, till you stop losing and find your maintenance sweet spot.