So hard not to binge on holiday treats, remind me I’m not alone!!



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I'm just eating whatever I want, I'll get back at it on Tuesday. If there's one thing I've learned in ten years it's that a few "over" days isn't the end of the world and I can't eat enough to do any real damage, anyway.

    Okay. That's two things.
  • mypone
    mypone Posts: 2 Member
    Honestly, not tempted I'm the slightest. I'm not trying to be 'good', I just don't want any of it - no mince pies, no chocolates, no fruit cake, no cookies.... It's a bit odd, I know. I'm not complaining though.

    Me finding even looking at treats im like no thanks
  • caffieneaddict
    caffieneaddict Posts: 8 Member
    It's so great to see I'm not the only one giving myself a bit of a break (still keeping to my exercise plan though!)

    Also very jealous/impressed at those of you not tempted :o
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited December 2017
    iv been eating ALOT of potatoes and veggies. I have stopped tracking calories and just focusing on eating only "healthy" non processed foods in the time leading up to christmas. Simply because i know this way im kept full of goodness and am less likely to just blow everything on sweets. Alot more damage to be done with cookies vs vegetables :p its helping me alot to keep cravings at bay. Seriously its sweet because im a strong willed determined little *kitten*, Until baked goods come into play and i lose control. Which makes me uncomfortable. I hate losing control. Eating nice and low salt/sugar high nutrients has kept me craving the healthy foods and feeling nice and slim. But when the 25-26th come around, Best believe im going to eat whatever i want :p Maybe by then ill not even want them as bad (will honestly be interested in seeing lol)

    Side note- iv actually lost weight eating this way without tracking calories. go figure
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I use to struggle with this every holiday, the flood gates would open and I would lose all control

    Until one holiday when I reminded myself that I had binged out on previous holidays and you know what... I didn't die, I didn't suddenly wake up the next day 100 lbs heavier, it wasn't the end of my journey and did not stop me from succeeding

    So if I caved again, big deal, the results would be the same, so why even stress about it...

    And almost magically, that urge to just eat a whole freaking pie to myself was gone!

    @Mr_Healthy_Habits Great stuff!

    Amazing how moderation is psychological and we're not all powerless against The Cravingzzs!!
  • YOLO145
    YOLO145 Posts: 98 Member
    I’m clearly missing out on some holiday treats :'(