Weight Fluctuations -

Being a woman, I know this is very common! But when you do fluctuate do you normally log that or just weight until you stop and log? Being as though my lovely lady friend is coming the passed couple days have been horrible for fluctuating... yesterday I was up almost 4 lbs - now today I am only up 2 lbs?

Just wondering how you guys deal with this issue!?


  • do you weigh in the morning? thats the best time to weigh because that is usually your lowest weight.
  • I would just wait a couple of weeks and then log your weight, this gives your system time to settle after your friendly visitor leaves.
  • bovbjerg
    bovbjerg Posts: 172 Member
    My "log-in day" is Fridays.....this morning I was up 3.6 and although I had a challenging week (long weekend of camping, birthday dinners, etc.) I didn't expect it to be THAT bad. Anyways, it's the week "before" so I'm hoping that has something to do with it as well. BUT - I did suck it up and log it. Hopefully next week when I log, it will be a bigger loss than normal. I find it keeps me accountable to weight in every week - for better or for worse! It's just part of the game.

    Good luck to you! Keep it up!
  • wedwithbabies
    wedwithbabies Posts: 17 Member
    do you weigh in the morning? thats the best time to weigh because that is usually your lowest weight.

    Yes, I weigh right after I use the restroom!
  • wedwithbabies
    wedwithbabies Posts: 17 Member
    I would just wait a couple of weeks and then log your weight, this gives your system time to settle after your friendly visitor leaves.

    Thank you, I appreciate the advice :)
  • wedwithbabies
    wedwithbabies Posts: 17 Member
    My "log-in day" is Fridays.....this morning I was up 3.6 and although I had a challenging week (long weekend of camping, birthday dinners, etc.) I didn't expect it to be THAT bad. Anyways, it's the week "before" so I'm hoping that has something to do with it as well. BUT - I did suck it up and log it. Hopefully next week when I log, it will be a bigger loss than normal. I find it keeps me accountable to weight in every week - for better or for worse! It's just part of the game.

    Good luck to you! Keep it up!

    I really prefer only doing once a week, that way you don't see how badly you fluctuate but the scale taunts me & says step on every time I walk by LOL! I am the week before too, so I am assuming that is why I am fluctuating so badly... we shall see I guess!
  • efokken
    efokken Posts: 138 Member
    I do NOT log if I gain a pound or two.. 1. b/c I don't like to admit it and 2. I keep gaining and losing the same damn 1-2 or 3 pounds... sooo frustrating... so until I actually maintain a lower new weight, THEN I'll log it...
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    I weigh myself every day and make note of the fluctuations. If I am 2 or 2.5 lbs from my lowest, I shrug it off and go about my day as normal. If I am 3 lbs or more over, I take this as an opportunity to recognize that there is more than just water in my system (gross, I know). This is when I improvise a 16 hour fast to allow my body to resolve the issue. This is just me and why I get on the scale every day and what I do with those numbers. Yes, I am hoping to see a 'new' lowest weight to register a loss, but I look for other things, too.
  • I'm so glad my periods are irregular and I dont have them ever! LOL only time I do is when i get on the pill. I stopped taking it in March and haven't had one since then! I'm a freak of nature! LOL