Hi my name is Stephon I am currently on a high protein diet ( Grilled Chicken, Greek yogurt, Organic peanut butter, Whole wheat) and I am going to he gym 4-5 times a week. I have fat around my chest and stomach but muscle on my arms and legs so WHAT SHOULD I DO should I continue to hit the weights and Bulk or Eat less and Cutt


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited December 2017
    Whatever you do, you should keep training - following a progressive lifting program, even in a deficit, is beneficial. In a deficit it'll help you maintain muscle.

    You could either lose some of the fat by eating in a deficit, or consider recomp if you are at a healthy weight (eating at maintenance to lose fat slowly as you gain muscle slowly)

    How much is high protein to you? I'd aim for 0.8g per lb bodyweight. You can also get protein from a variety of sources, and eat a more varied diet than you are to get results.

    ETA- in answer to your thread title, you should also only post your question in one thread. Multiple threads of the same thing are against forum rules...
  • sjbarolette
    sjbarolette Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for advice
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Eat at a reasonable deficit and lift.

    Unless you are medically advised to, a high protein diet is not needed, eat a well balanced diet that fulfils your nutritional needs and is satisfying.

    Also, ask the moderators to condense your 3 posts on different sub-forums into one. (It's against MFP's TOS to multi post)

    Cheers, h.