c25K started 7/14



  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    Hope everyone is still doing well. I start Week 4 tomorrow (5 minute runs :noway: ) If I don't post for few days ... will someone please send someone to look for me?

    Happy Running!
  • rogerm213
    rogerm213 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey all it is great to see you all out there running. I did the C25K when I began running in 2007. I was very heavy at the time and I did complete it but it took me 20 weeks and repeating many weeks to get me through it. I managed to drop almost 70 pounds in that year and I have returned here because I have gained back 25 pounds and need to be accountable.

    The C25K is a great program but it ramps up too quickly if you ask me. It works for people who come in with an athletic back ground but lets face it many of us are here trying to lose weight and become more active at the same time. I would suggest looking for a Galloway type run walk program the builds you time running a bit more slowly if you are struggling with the C25K.

    A bit more about me. Since completing the C25K I have gone on to complete 6 half marathons and 2 marathons using Galloway's Run/Walk programs. My 7th half marathon will be in Niagara Falls in October and the 8th will be in Disney in January.

    A year ago I began coaching beginning runners at the local running specialty store. I have also recently taken the RRCA Coaching Certification Class and will soon be receiving my certifcation in coaching distance runners.

    You are all doing a great thing. Running changed my life. If you are struggling with the C25K please do not give up there are other programs out there that are more friendly to the true Couch Potato. If I can help let me know. Support and motivation is crucial to success not only in running but in day to day life.
  • How is everyone doing? I am on W3D2 this evening. I love the evening sessions - the weather is cooler, I don't have to lather myself in sunscreen, and there are far less people. I treated myself to a new pair of Asics running shoes and feel a huge difference. I am dealing with planter fasciitis in one heel but I am hanging in there.

    What do you all do on your in between days? Before I started c25k, I was working out at the gym 4-5 times per week, mostly on the elliptical with some (not much) weight training. To keep up with the calorie burn, I am still doing the elliptical, though not as often, and still doing some weights and cardio boxing at home on the Wii. Sometimes I do the elliptical in the morning and then my c25k in the evening. On days when I am not running, I do a longer session in the gym. Then weekends I always try and take at least one of the two days off from exercise all together. I think I am replacing my food addiction with exercise addiction.
  • brocksmom
    brocksmom Posts: 103 Member
    Week 3 for me did day 1 last night, still digging it:happy:

  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    Survived week 4 day 1!!!
    Roger, thanks for the post, it was so encouraging.
    Catherinejbr, I do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred every day and throw in an extra day or 2 on C25k so I can make it to the next level.
    Brocksmom, glad you're still loving it! I love your profile picture!
  • rogerm213
    rogerm213 Posts: 77 Member
    It is great to see you all progressing from week to week. As the runs get longer it helps to slow the pace of the run a bit. While the program is designed for 9 weeks never fear repeating a week if you are not coming away from a run feeling good and looking forward to the next one. Half of this battle is keeping it fun and unjury free.

    Also for those of you that have not ever run a races please know in most races these days there are a large number of people who do run walk intervals even in a 5K. So never fear the challenge of a 5K. With a plan a 5K is alway doable.
  • Survived Week 3! And... I actually got my butt out of bed at 6 this morning to complete w3d3. It was awesome... I am nervous about next week though... week 4 seems to kick things to a whole new level. How did you all find it?
  • BestPAO
    BestPAO Posts: 3 Member
    I just started the c25K this morning. Since I have never been a runner, I was a little skeptical to begin. But if the other days/weeks make me feel as good as I do now, I am excited about continuing this.
  • rogerm213
    rogerm213 Posts: 77 Member
    Survived Week 3! And... I actually got my butt out of bed at 6 this morning to complete w3d3. It was awesome... I am nervous about next week though... week 4 seems to kick things to a whole new level. How did you all find it?

    Week 4 and 5 are huge steps. If you find them difficult repeat week 3 or find a modification that works for you and call it week 3 1/2. Remember this is not a race to finish in 9 weeks but rather a transition into what you hope will be a life long enjoyment of running. Good Luck!!!!
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    Survived Week 3! And... I actually got my butt out of bed at 6 this morning to complete w3d3. It was awesome... I am nervous about next week though... week 4 seems to kick things to a whole new level. How did you all find it?

    I finished W4D2 today, the 5 minutes have been tough for me, but I've finished each one. I am super nervous about week 5 so I may end up taking rogerm213 advice and have a week 4 1/2. We'll see. Congratulations on surviving week 3!

    Welcome BestPAO. I would not consider myself a runner at all. I do find though that the feeling following the run is enough to get me to go again next time! Keep it up!
  • k8es, I just did w4d1 this morning. Tough, yes, but I made it. I was so proud of myself (still on a bit of a high from it) for finishing both 5 minute runs. I kept trying to trick myself by overestimating when the 5 minutes would end... I tried not to check the time on my iPod so I could be pleasantly surprised when it would be over. I thought it would be tough cutting the walking time to 1/2 the running time, but that part wasn't so bad.

  • I finished W4D2 today, the 5 minutes have been tough for me, but I've finished each one. I am super nervous about week 5 so I may end up taking rogerm213 advice and have a week 4 1/2. We'll see. Congratulations on surviving week 3!

    Wow, way to go! You have reason to be really proud! I didn't think I would be able to survive the 5 minutes once, let alone twice... I would say give week 5 a try and stop if you need to or just do week 4 over again. Just think of all you have accomplished so far!
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    W4D3 completed. This for some reason was the hardest one for me yet. I seem to get very religious around the 4th minute of the 5 minute run :laugh: Wednesday starts week 5 or possibly week 4.5 ... hope everyone is doing well!
  • TiffMax
    TiffMax Posts: 70
    well, i am on W1 D10, yes that is not a typo. I only have 25-35 lbs to lose but these runs kill me. I am still working on running a little more gracefully and less flumping - hoping that will help with the shin pain i was getting and i got new shoes so the runs have been getting better- still not sure whne i will make it to week 2.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm on my 2nd week of Week 4. I strongly advise against looking ahead as it can be intimidating. A friend pointed out week 5 to me, sometimes ignorance is bliss!! :wink:
  • I am starting week 2 for the second time. In April I completed week 8, got hit by allergies and had a hard time running for a few weeks. I started over several times just trying to get to it for more than 2 days a week. I am back on track and signing up for a 5k on October 1, 2011. Dont worry the weeks ahead always look glum but its such an accomplishment to finish each one, and dont be discouraged if you do a week over its common! Good luck to you all and hope to see more posts!:wink:
  • I just did Week 3 day 2. Keep up the good work. Add me for support if you would like.
  • Finished Week 4 this morning. I am trying not to look ahead too much. It was hard but doable, I think it was more mental than physical. I keep telling myself that a couple of months ago, I would never have been able to complete this. Looking forward to a challenging week 5.
  • rogerm213
    rogerm213 Posts: 77 Member
    well, i am on W1 D10, yes that is not a typo. I only have 25-35 lbs to lose but these runs kill me. I am still working on running a little more gracefully and less flumping - hoping that will help with the shin pain i was getting and i got new shoes so the runs have been getting better- still not sure whne i will make it to week 2.

    Tif Look into a Galloway type program to get you started. The key is making slow progress and the C25K is pretty aggressive in bumping up the running segment. I am an RRCA Certified Running Coach and I would suggest you try running 1 minute segments and walk 2 to 3 minutes between each. Do it for two weeks and then try running 1 minute and walking 90 seconds to 2 minutes. You can get this done but the key is to go slow and not run to much to soon. Doing so can be discouraging and cause injury.
  • rogerm213
    rogerm213 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm on my 2nd week of Week 4. I strongly advise against looking ahead as it can be intimidating. A friend pointed out week 5 to me, sometimes ignorance is bliss!! :wink:

    Alicia Keep up the good work. Repeating a week is fine and even altering week 5 a bit is ok. This is a guideline only and the C25K is not one size fits all. If I can help in any way feel free to message me.