HCG Diet anyone!?

Has anyone tried the HCG Diet!? If so what were your results? How did you feel during and how is the maintainence?


  • sexylonglegs
    it works good, but don't do it!!
    i fainted because you can only eat 500 calories a day!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    If you want a sexy toned body then diet and exercise works fro that. HCG you cant exercise.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    It is the silliest thing out there, you might lose weight but you won't be able to keep it off. Just do it right, you will thank yourself later.
  • dpittman858
    OMG 500 calories, that isnt good for anyone, I barely stay under my 1200 lol good luck to you!
  • MandiPandi757
    MandiPandi757 Posts: 28 Member
    Exactly "ak_in_ak"! I don't know why people are always looking for that "miracle pill or diet" that they think will help them with weight-loss. I've been married for 16 years and have 2 boys. I was at my all time highest weight of 260lbs, about 2 years ago. I've lost on my "own" (no trainer, no gym, no dieting).....75lbs. I started eating healthy and exercising on a daily basis. Like "ak_in_ak" said, "Do it the right way" and you will feel better about yourself, I promise! :)
  • MYriahTURN30
    I have lost 40 pounds on here as well, but gained 10 back trying to maintain!! Heard that this will reset metabolism to help maintain. Also you can exercise as long as you track the cals and then you eat those as well!! Thanks everyone, "loading" this weekend! Will post how it goes!?