Hey everybody!

dennisl31789 Posts: 10 Member
edited December 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Let’s see here.

My name’s Dennis and I’m an ordinary guy make a living in downtown. :smile: I have trouble with focusing on losing weight and changing lifestyle. I have a habit of eating more foods than an average person should eat. :neutral: I frustrates me every time whenever I have more physical activities. :s It’s gonna be a long story to talk about my faults, so I’ll save it for next discussion. I believe this will help me to keep in track on what I eat. If I do get in trouble with it, I’d like to hear opinions from different people. Wish me luck and yours as well! :)


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Hi Dennis - I like eating a lot of food too! If you pick the right foods, you can still eat a mountain and stick to your calorie goal. Check out the volume eaters thread, you might get some ideas.

  • dennisl31789
    dennisl31789 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok thanks! :)
  • MarvinsAMartian
    MarvinsAMartian Posts: 236 Member
    The only reason I signed up for MFP was precisely to keep myself accountable. I knew I over ate but by how much I didn't realize until I started logging. To this day I still have moments where I'm over my calorie goal but whatever, I ain't Jesus.

    Some tips my man:
    - be realistic in your goals. Some people over/under estimate when setting goals on here. For example, I believed I lead a sedentary lifestyle until I caught myself thinking about how I'm literally on my feet 8+ hours a day. That factors in to your calorie goals. Until I changed it I was basically starving myself and when you do that kind of *kitten* to lose weight the exit towards quitsville becomes bigger and bigger.
    - log in like this *kitten* is FB/Insta/Snap/Twatter/PornHub/whatever social media app of your choosing. Just seeing this app's home page subconsciously reminds me to log.
    - MFP isn't a hobby, it's a habit. I'm sure you know the difference, but it needs to be said.
    - this community is a great place for pats on the back or shoulders to cry on, but if that's all you're here for then you best quit now. Ain't nobody gonna hold your hand through this, get your big boy pants on.

    Come get inspired, find your own motivation, and work. Good luck dude!
  • dennisl31789
    dennisl31789 Posts: 10 Member
    I am inspired! That’s the reason why I got this app. If it weren’t for this, I would’ve be on Guinness World Fattest man on Earth. However, I agreed with rest of what you said. It’s best for me just do whatever I can. Be more active. Setting goals is kinda like “easier said than done”. Thanks for your response. :)