What happened to this last week?

I went from 195 on the 19th to 199 this morning. I am wondering how much of these 4 pounds is mostly weight that will go away starting today with my counting calories and working out starting over again? With family in town and the Christmas family gathering at our house, there was no time to work out and a lot of really good food. It certainly has been a fun blowout. I had my lowest weight of 192 on the 16th before ticking back up, then the wheels fell off.

This will be a fun test to see how long it takes to get back to where I was and if maybe a blowout like this in a way accelerates the weight loss, since I was kind of flattening out with my 8th week completed.

Does anyone else have past experiences where they went through this during the holidays, just did not worry about it, then got back to it? Did you weight yourself before and after and how long did it take to get back in the grove?


  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Sounds pretty normal. If I take a couple of days and eat more "fun" salty and sugary foods, less of my veg and fibrous diet, the pounds go on the scale, but they come right off after a couple of more regular days.
  • RachellaJ
    RachellaJ Posts: 58 Member
    I was up 2 lbs from my Thanksgiving dinner, which I expected. It took me a week to get back to where I was. And that’s ok with me. I enjoy my holiday food and then I get back to it. I’m sure I’m up from Christmas but I’m not worried and I’m not weighing myself until tomorrow morning. I know it’s probably salt and eating more in one meal than I usually do in a day. It’s not going to be actual fat gain from one indulgent day.
  • DmaMfz
    DmaMfz Posts: 125 Member
    I went from 195 on the 19th to 199 this morning. I am wondering how much of these 4 pounds is mostly weight that will go away starting today with my counting calories and working out starting over again? With family in town and the Christmas family gathering at our house, there was no time to work out and a lot of really good food. It certainly has been a fun blowout. I had my lowest weight of 192 on the 16th before ticking back up, then the wheels fell off.

    This will be a fun test to see how long it takes to get back to where I was and if maybe a blowout like this in a way accelerates the weight loss, since I was kind of flattening out with my 8th week completed.

    Does anyone else have past experiences where they went through this during the holidays, just did not worry about it, then got back to it? Did you weight yourself before and after and how long did it take to get back in the grove?

    I’m up 3 lbs since I weighed a couple days ago. Water, food in my system (crab on Christmas, yes please!), no big deal. It usually only takes me 2-3 days to get back to normal. And it was nice to enjoy myself.

    And I agree, I’m also one of those people that think it’s fun to see how fast I recover. And it’s reinvigorating to have mini diet breaks.
  • Blythmag
    Blythmag Posts: 252 Member
    patterns emerge which have helped me understand that its salt/ water retention, old food.

    relax it will come off easy when you get back at it ok
  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    These were all great and encouraging comments from your personal experiences. Thank you!
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Totally normal.

    I gained 10-12 lbs in 24 hours from the first BBQ of the summer.

    It wooshed away over about 6 days.
  • justkeeprunning91
    justkeeprunning91 Posts: 96 Member
    I left for a race weekend/food and wine festival at 138 at the beginning of November. I cam back from the long weekend trip at 144 because I ate whatever I wanted after the race, and a food and wine festival is not something I'm looking to log. My weight evened out over a week or so. Before Christmas I was down to 134, and yesterday morning I was at 138. I try to look at it as my high weights are getting lower, my low weights are getting lower, so it's all good. You should be playing the long game, and in the long game, a couple pounds that show up because of a holiday and go away in a week don't mean anything.