Advice Needed from Insanity & P90X alumni

Instead of debating with myself, I figured I'll use the forum and see what type of feedback I receive. Today marks Day 12 of Insanity and I've been following the schedule as outlined. I'm pushing through well and having great burns, but I'm starting to wonder if following the Insanity schedule as outline will yield the results I'm looking for.

I'm not top heavy at all, but my goals are to tighten my chest area and my triceps to get rid of that jiggle when I shake my arms. My focused is mainly on my abs and thighs (primarily my inner thighs). I love my current shape, I just need to be more toned in my lower body. I can fit into a size 10 pair of jeans (that's if my pics don't give you a good understanding of my shape).

My questions is for P90X and Insanity you think following the Insanity schedule as outlined will help me reach my results most effectively? I've been thinking that the P90X/Insanity Hybrid would be a better fit because of the lifting which helps muscle tone. I also have plans to start C25K, because I would really learn to run as my biggest goal for maintenance. So should I focus on running and lifting alone.

I'm not trying to rush this, but I do want to use my time efficiently when working out...because I'm realizing it takes a huge time commitment from my days. I welcome valuable suggestions, specially as it pertains to my personal goals.

Thanks in advance!!!!


  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    Actually, for all the areas that you listed that you want to focus on, Insanity is really good at!!! My abs toned up a lot doing it from all of the planks, and all the squats and plyo work your legs and butt like CRAZY. All Insanity upper body work is pushups, but those are focused on chest and triceps (and abs), which you want! I only used P90X for back and biceps and some shoulders. Also, if you are wanting to learn to run - Insanity will help your cardio WAY better than P90X!
  • I agree Insanity will help you out a lot. A lot of my team has done Insanity for multiple rounds and you really see a difference the 2nd and 3rd times around. You didn't put the weight on in 30, 60, or 90 days so it doesn't all come off that quick either. Keep up with the good work though you'll see a difference before you know it!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Finish Insanity. The second month has A TON of strength and resistance using your body. Much more than I expected. If you already have P90X and you have the time there is no reason you can't add some of the upper body workouts to your days. A double workout twice a week could be good, like on a pure cardio day. Although, once you get into the second month I don't think you need it, but you could be completely addicted by then! Just make sure you're eating enough!

    I did Insanity before I started running and it REALLY helped, REALLY. Mentally too.
  • missjaiy
    missjaiy Posts: 58
    Awesome feedback! I'm so happy to hear that I'm on the right track with Insanity. I'll keep at it strong then. I do get restless at times, when I'm not sure if I'm being effective. So you all have really helped me keep my mind focused on progression and finishing!