Six Years Later: Back on the Bandwagon

j_ji_nyan Posts: 2 Member
edited December 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hey, folks!

I'm new to the community, but not new to MFP. I used it successfully one summer back in 2012 where I managed to get from 170 to 155 and I looked and felt great. Whelp, University graduation and a move abroad did me in and I'm at my heaviest ever at 182 at 5'4".

Present Concerns and Issues:
I never really noticed the issue until I came abroad. I moved to Japan just short of three years ago and finding clothes is much harder than when I first got here. I also just feel like the Incredible Hulk most days when I go out and with the constant staring regardless, it's starting to take a toll on my self-esteem and mental health. I've finally reached the breaking point where I'm tired of feeling this way and I'm ready to do something about it.

Japanese cuisine is said to be very healthy and lean. This is not true for those whose genetics aren't blessed naturally thin. It's very very carb, sodium, and heavy oil-laden. I work in schools where everyone eats the same meal (650-950cal per meal) and everyone is expected to finish it (no doggie bags). Thus I have a personal vendetta against rice which is often piled on high. No buts about it. Everyone is auto-enrolled in the food program and there is no way out without burning bridges unfortunately. Darn...but at least the menu has variety and tastes decent enough.

Luckily my boyfriend cheers me on whether or not I lose or gain. Just hoping to put out some feelers and meet cool people trudging through the process too here on MFP!

Hope for the Future
My ultimate goal is between 140-145. By regulating and minimizing my evening meal in order to balance out my massive lunches M-F, I'm hoping to stay within the bounds of my calorie deficit and looking for hearty, but low-cal dinner recipes.

Nice to meet you all!
Feel free to friend request me!


  • itsaboutthattimeagain
    itsaboutthattimeagain Posts: 36 Member
    edited December 2017
    Uh? You're a grown woman. Don't eat the food or 1000 calorie meals if you don't want to. I don't get this. Culture or not. Tell them not to pile food so high or that you have to watch your weight due to medical reasons if you feel you need to explain yourself to others for not eating your food or finishing it.

    or if you want to continue to let other regulate your meals and tell you what to eat then, eat a small breakfast and dinner that is small as well, and exercise. My personality wouldn't allow someone telling me what to eat or how much. My mind is blown how you feel that pressured to allow this.

    In any event, wishing you the best.
  • suerlewis2
    suerlewis2 Posts: 126 Member
    I appreciate that Japanese culture is very different to Western and there are a lot of things that can be deemed rude or offensive that just seem perfectly normal to someone else. Are there any duties you can volunteer for at lunchtime that will excuse you from the normal lunch routine?

    Crikey, take an empty container to work and halve your rice meal before you start it - that way you can politely clear your plate like everyone else.

    Good luck.
  • j_ji_nyan
    j_ji_nyan Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2017
    I am only one foreign person in a rural community of all Japanese people in Japan working within the confines of Japanese culture and rules. To make a fuss and cause an uproar would certainly affect my work and community relationships. Grown woman or not. I can't afford to act special or demanding. That is not how it works here.

    One school isn't a problem at all because I don't eat with students and I can easily just toss it back unfinished on the food cart. At my other school though I eat with small children who are learning to not be picky and are required to finish their meals before heading out to recess. I, as well as other staff, are role models for the kids (who get about half what we do usually) and are required to finish our meals as well. Staff lunches are pre-prepared by lunch staff who have their own routine. There is no cafeteria. There is no buffet. You get what you get and you don't have a fit.

    Regardless I appreciate both of your folks' inputs and will try to box up more to take home if I can, and or eat smaller morning and evening meals + exercise.
    I was more looking for a place to put a short rant, ask for low-cal suggestions, and get support, not to receive judgement on how I am trying to assimilate into a culture most-likely very different than your own.
    Thank you.