Favorite diet/weight loss books that aren't "Diet/Weight Loss Books"

What I mean is, not books that are "how-to (Keto/Atkins/etc)" guides but books about health, diet, fat etc from people who have just lived it. Personal stories without an agenda.

My standby for years– literally, before I even thought about losing weight myself– has been "Diary of a Fat Housewife" by Rosemary Green. It's the diary an Oregon lady, a former Rose Festival Princess who became morbidly obese over a 12 year marriage and 5 children, kept from 1982-1991, published in 1995. While a lot of what she was doing in the early years is very out-of-date (in addendum in the published version she mentioned that she wouldn't recommend what she was doing in the 80s), it has been the book I keep coming back to to get myself back in the saddle again. She made no excuses for getting over 300lbs other than, "I eat too much"...and let's be honest, that's a pretty brilliantly refreshing outlook, particularity for something written 30 years ago.

I'm a historian and love diaries (you can learn a lot about a culture/time/place from historical records but you learn about people from their words) but that's not my only criteria for a good book. Are there any books you lot have read that have...maybe not inspired or motivated you, but you might recommend?



  • TheCaffeinatedMama
    So the books I will recommend are not about diet/weight loss at all, BUT they both have a significant tie to weight management and just simply making better choices for your overall life (finances, relationships [professional and personal], and just outright inspiring books.

    Book 1: Year of Yes:How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes
    I started my Year of Yes in September. It has been a time of re-discovery and motivation/inspiration to get it together. I got back on MFP --saying YES to a smaller waistline.

    Book 2: The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
    The small choices you make each day have a compounding effect on your life over all. He challenges you to take charge of your life by making simple choices. ie: choosing to cut out 120 calories a day or not spend $5 on that Starbucks Latte. In conjunction with my Year of Yes, I found this to be the perfect supplement.

    Hope you find these books enjoyable. Also they are on Amazon Audible for your listening pleasure narrated by the author. :wink: Mommin' Aint Easy so convenience is key factor in my life. Audible was worth it.

    A good book and a cup of Jeaux makes this mama super happy.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,865 Member
    "What Makes Olga Run". Its about a woman who competed at the world senior games in track and field well into her 90's. She didn't actually start any serious exercise till she was in her 50's so she's my role model for my journey back to fitness. And an inspiration.

    "Thinner This Year" is how deciding to make small changes to your diet, and a dedication to fitness can help you lose those last few pounds. Its written for people in their 50's and older, in a light hearted, but informative style.

    Can you tell I'm in my 50's?? LOL