
I'm Lorrenda, just turned 37 yesterday from Indiana. I'm trying to get to my goal weight of 150 pounds. I've got 186 left. I'm looking for motivation and support, I don't have the best support system. I know I have a long road, but I'm ready to try to get to my goal. I'm hoping to reach it by next Christmas. I've only been losing for two months and I've lost almost 23 pounds already. I'm very determined.


  • LosRUs
    LosRUs Posts: 18 Member
    The road is hard for me as well. We have didferent goals but inspiration will help us both. Add me
  • lorrendak
    lorrendak Posts: 2 Member
    You are stronger than you think! Remember you can achieve anything you put your mind to. The only person that can keep you from achieving your goals is YOU!

    I will add you.