joining forces for a short time

gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
Does this describe you ? English, Male, Straight, white, late forties. Always have a set of goals but can never seem to fulfil them ?
I am reading an article about transforming habits. In one section it writes about joining forces with somebody.

So I am looking for someone similar to myself (read above) so we can provide mutual support for a short time until our goal is reached.

The articles words were :

Join forces with somebody. How often do you try to diet in private? Or maybe you “quit
smoking” … but you kept it to yourself? (That way no one will see you fail, right?)
Instead, pair up with someone and quit together. The two of you can hold each other
accountable and celebrate your victories together. Knowing that someone else expects you to be
better is a powerful motivator.


  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    Male and Late forties/early fifties would be close a enough compadre.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I don't have much faith in that approach. I have had success in setting better goals - reasonable, attainable, specific and measurable. To understand what I'm doing, and why, in ways that fit my natural inclinations, and trusting the process, and myself, by learning how to tell which direction I'm going.
  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    Those points are all important and true. Having a travelling companion has helped me a great deal in the past.
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    Does it really make a difference to your weight loss journey if the person is English, straight and white? These characteristics seem quite irrelevant.
  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    I am trying to find people similar to myself