Do you ever just touch yourself?

2017 was a wild ride man. Didn't quite hit my goal of -100 but I gave it everything I had. From 285 to 191. That's 94 pounds folks!

I've been fat for a loooong time you guys. Like who knew I had bushy eyebrows? Or that my hands were so small and had weird curves and dips and so many bones? Wait, my knees have bones? You guys I've got sooooooo many bones and veins. I might just be human after all.

Hmk anyway I've got 61 pounds left until I reach my goal and you can bet your buttom that I'm going to fight, crawl, cry, and push through it all in 2018. & I'd love for you to be right there by my side.

Good luck to all of us. Let's be bad ayuses! *pewpew* >:)<3>:)


  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Congratulations on your progress so far! 94 pounds in a year is amazing :smiley:
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    Love the title on your post! Somehow it got me to click on it. Great job so far!
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    Truly awesome work @aaiiee !!! Keep on your path; who knows what else you'll be discovering and/or touching?
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    Congrats and good luck!
  • aaiiee
    aaiiee Posts: 24 Member
    Thaaaaank you guys so much! This is the first I've really told others of my weight loss so it really means a lot! <3

    @cwells16 ahah I didn't realize how cringe & inappropriate my title was until I read it again. Oopsie, I regret nothing tho. (:
  • ColinHigginsUK
    ColinHigginsUK Posts: 15 Member
    Congratulations on what you’ve achieved so far. With that determination and outlook you’ll achieve your goal for sure. Also love the humour, made me smile.
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    aaiiee wrote: »
    Thaaaaank you guys so much! This is the first I've really told others of my weight loss so it really means a lot! <3

    @cwells16 ahah I didn't realize how cringe & inappropriate my title was until I read it again. Oopsie, I regret nothing tho. (:

    It's right up my dirty alley! ;)
  • Bekah7482
    Bekah7482 Posts: 247 Member

    And yes, I am touching myself all the time. Like are those hip bones? I felt a rib the other day, thought those were just a myth. I am always feeling my collar bones and my jaw bone, I have never had a jaw lines before and I love feeling it. lol
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Oh gosh, your post title made me laugh! I'm down 113 lbs and I do the same thing, hey, what are those weird cables in the small of my back, when did those get there? When did I get a muscle in my shoulder? Dude, look at my knees with all the angles!

    Congratulations on your loss and hope you have a legendary 2018!
  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    this is winning!!!!
  • aaiiee
    aaiiee Posts: 24 Member
    @Bekah7482 & @rheddmobile OMG you guys seriously understand me! Like I've been playing with my knee for the past couple of minutes! Like I so wish I took before pics because my legs were sausages now I'm feeling like Tina Turner up in here :D lmao.

    I'm soooooo proud of all of us for our awesome kick butt weight loss man! My back is still really fat but once those cables come in I'll let you know rhedd :p!
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    aaiiee wrote: »
    @Bekah7482 & @rheddmobile OMG you guys seriously understand me! Like I've been playing with my knee for the past couple of minutes! Like I so wish I took before pics because my legs were sausages now I'm feeling like Tina Turner up in here :D lmao.

    I'm soooooo proud of all of us for our awesome kick butt weight loss man! My back is still really fat but once those cables come in I'll let you know rhedd :p!

    I have huge collarbones and big holes next to them. I can put stuff in them!
  • aaiiee
    aaiiee Posts: 24 Member

    I have huge collarbones and big holes next to them. I can put stuff in them!
    Am I quoting right?

    Anyways @cwells16 bwahahah I LOVE collarbones! Mine are just starting to shine through and they are making me a very very happy girl!
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    cwells16 wrote: »
    Love the title on your post! Somehow it got me to click on it. Great job so far!

    haha, me as well? I was like, what are we touching?
  • emjay6x3
    emjay6x3 Posts: 213 Member
    Sometimes I flex my arms and feel my biceps, just to remind myself that I do have muscle under there. :)

    Congratulations on your amazing success!
  • vicdd553
    vicdd553 Posts: 1 Member
    I was getting there hurt my back and have piled on the pounds, touch yourself if it makes you happy feel what you haven't seen for a long time it is all positive. I need motivation to get going again as I refuse to buy the next size clothing
  • jennseamans
    jennseamans Posts: 3 Member
    Way to go!!!!! Keep up the amazing work. I'm hoping one day I can make a post like this and inspire someone like you have done for me today