I Will Be

beckbop Posts: 75
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
Skinny again!

I'm 19, I have an under active thyroid so i'm on 150mg of levothyroxine (very high, i know!) and for the past few years ive been getting the Depo Provera Injection, all in all my thyroid and that injection have made me put on 50lb in 2 years (URGH)

I started doing this about 12 weeks ago, in the first two weeks i lost 7lb, but from then onwards i only lost 0.2lb per week, which made me so stressed, and upset! so for the past few weeks i haven't been going this because i just wasnt in the mood for it!

I've stopped getting the Depo Injection now because its just messing my whole body up! So hopefully after coming off that, and after getting more blood tests for my Thyroid done, hopefully i will start to feel normal again!

I want to lose 50 by Christmas/New year. Thats 3lb a week, which i highly doubt im going to be able to do! But im getting a gym pass soon from my doctor so hopefully that will speed things up.

Im going to start this properly on Monday morning so just saying hello for now :) X


  • laparker517
    laparker517 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I'm Lauren and I'm 20. Congrats on the weight you have already lost! My mom also has an underactive thyroid so I understand how hard it can be to lose weight. I think you can definitely lose 50 pounds by new years. Stay motivated! Good luck
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    That injection, i know tends to lead to severe depression as well as weight gain. The weight gain isn't a side affect of the drug though, weight gain is a result of the side affects; hunger, which often leads to over eating, depression, which leads to lack of motivation and fatigue and slothfulness. All of which contribute to weight gain. As for hypothyroidism, i know it sucks, and it does make it harder to lose weight, and incredibly easy to gain. But you can still lose weight. It's harder but it's still 100% achievable. Mine is very bad as well, i'm nearing the maximum dosage, and my thyroid has slowed down once more. However, I'm still losing weight. I hit A LOT of slumps and A LOT of plataeus, which often last about month or so, but if you keep pushing you break it, and you start losing again. You just have to keep at it. Realistically, it may take you more time to lose weight than the average person your weight/size, you may have to eat a little less than MFP tells you to (since they don't take hypothyroidism into consideration and honestly when your thyroid is slow, your metabolism is as well, and you can't do muchhh to speed it up if your body doesn't even really develop the hormone which controls your metabolic rate, so you don't need as much food as the average person), and you may have to work out harder to get the same results, but not much. It's a commitment, and with determination, it can be done. You may not lose weight as fast as you like, but you will still lose the weight. 3 lbs a week is a lot, but if you feel like you can do it, go for it. If it doesn't happen that way, if instead you lose 1 or 2 lbs a week, don't be discouraged by that. Be proud of what you accomplish. Even if it's small, it's still progress. To make sure you don't get discouraged, if you realize a weight loss goal isn't realistic and it's not working out, simply lower it to something you feel you can achieve, never get upset! Good luck with everything!!! You can do this!
  • beckbop
    beckbop Posts: 75
    I didnt really eat more while i was getting the injection tbh. because of my thyroid at the time, i hardly ate anything.
  • hellllllllllloooooooooooooooooooo you will do it mammalpie xxxxxx
  • Hi, I am Jodie....I have been diagnosed with an under active thyroid since I was 15 years old.....I am 37 now. I would love to be a buddy to cheer you on.
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