Lean Cuisine



  • heather3879
    heather3879 Posts: 26 Member
    try the kashi frozen entrees instead.

    I agree...the Kashi frozen meals are really delicious, made with natural ingredients, higher in fiber and low in sodium. So yummy!
  • annaatlp84
    I'll admit to eating the Lean cuisine a couple times a week for convenience and cost but lately I have found something that works even better! I get fresh ground, organic peanut butter and an organic fruit preserve (my favorite is Strawberry) and make some kick butt PB&Js! It takes me back to childhood, isn't a huge strain on my budget, and its quick and healthy! Low sodium too!

    Enjoy and keep up the good work, y'all :)
  • roseheart79
    roseheart79 Posts: 14 Member
    O love the PB & J, I do that too! Your fav is my fav too, but I put on whole wheat bread or the deli flats! Yummy!!!!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    This is why I don't eat them:

    Mmm, dehydrated cheddar cheese and medium chain triglycerides! I cook with those all the time ;)

    Those medium chain triglycerides are so hard to find on sale!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Honestly, I used to love Lean Cuisines, when all I cared about was calories. But as I started moving away from processed food and eating more fresh, wholesome foods, the Lean Cuisines started tasting worse and worse. Eventually they just tasted like cardboard. I left the few I still had in the freezer at work.

    If I need a frozen meal these days, I go for Trader Joe's, Amy's, Kashi, or I make my own on the weekends and freeze it in portions for the week, which is the best of all those options.