Anyone suffer with Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)?

I have problems with my blood sugar spiking and then crashing. Have recorded as low as 25 in the recent past. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat or how little. Have medication to block the carbs, but it doesn't seem to help, so I am not sure if I am taking enough when I eat. It is really a hit and miss situation. Anyone else have to put up with this?


  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    What medication is that and why?
    More clarification please. Diabetic?
  • Debra_LMB
    Debra_LMB Posts: 42 Member
    Not Diabetic (not even pre-diabetic) and have a normal A1-C, but I have to eat like I am and check blood sugar often. I am under an Endocrinologist's care for this and she prescribes Acarbose/Precose. This drug is supposed to block and slow down the carbs hitting my bloodstream too quickly. It is a medication also used for Diabetics.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Maybe someone will come in with same situation but 25 is dangerously low and the doctor is your only alli. Maybe doctor could refer you to a dietician/nutritionist.
    Always check blood sugars before operating vehicles.
    Hope the med prescribed works!
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    I don't crash that low (I go to high 40-low 50) but I crash. My diet is more fat/protein than carbs (I seem to do the best at 35% carbs or so) and I plan my cardio and workouts for right after my biggest meal of the day, and I eat to "need." As soon as I start to feel symptomatic the workout gets paused....I grab some water and something like 1/2 a banana and some peanut butter and return to my workout at a Lower intensity until I feel better. I also plan to eat more of my carbs after the workout and most of my carbs are from fruit/veg and not grains.
  • Debra_LMB
    Debra_LMB Posts: 42 Member
    My doctor has me set-up with a Nutritionist and I have access whenever I need her. I don't drive, fortunately. Thank you for taking an interest.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    I'm not officially diagnosed with it like you are, but I am pre-diabetic. I think it's related...? -- Anyway, if I eat something like cold cereal or toast for breakfast I'll get that sudden drop mid-morning. If I eat eggs, cheese, peanut butter, meat, etc. then I'm fine until lunch. Basically I eat no grain-type carbs in the morning. I can eat toast with peanut butter, although I don't usually since it's not my favorite breakfast. For me that's the simple solution. Yours is probably more complicated but just thought I'd mention how it works for me.
  • Debra_LMB
    Debra_LMB Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you all for your kind responses. I am glad to know that others are dealing with this issue, too!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I was diabetic for over a decade, took all the classes. My friends who were hypoglycaemic ate like me.

    It’s important to have emergency stash with you at all times that has a mix of macros. This could be half an energy bar, hikers mix, or nuts.

    Eat on a schedule at the same time every day and don’t go more than two hours between a meal/snack (excepting overnight).
  • rcd7
    rcd7 Posts: 20 Member
    I’ve dealt with this for many years, but only fairly recently have discovered what a huge impact my diet has (not just quantity and regularity, which I always thought) but quality. I don’t have to avoid carbs altogether (whole wheat, oats, others with a slower burn are fine) but white bread/white flour and/or sugar are guaranteed to significantly drop my sugar levels later. I try to avoid them and keep my protein and good fats up (I’m a lactose intolerant vegetarian so protein is a challenge, but I’m working on it - i never leave the house without some almonds in my bag just in case I get the sugar shakes!). As to losing weight on mfp I’m going very very slowly largely for this reason, am focusing on good solid meals and am feeling great these days!
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    I'm non diabetic hypoglycemic after being diagnosed pre- diabetic then losing 70 lbs. I was diagnosed this year after getting a blood sugar of 34 in the ER and fasting sugars in the 50s. Endocrinologist found no cause.

    I always carry protein bars, shakes, or fruit. I eat according to my needs even if it puts me over my calorie goal at times. My dietitian was concerned over my exercise levels due too burning of too many carbs, but I eat before and after exercise to offset that. So I lose weight slowly, with only 20ish lbs to go.

    Keep working with your doctor, and try to see a dietitian. I hope your meds and nutrition plan work for you.
  • gypsygrl153
    gypsygrl153 Posts: 4 Member
    I also have non-diabetic hypoglycemia. I pack extra food in my work bag along with my glucometer. I am a nurse and we aren’t always able to eat any time in my department but they are pretty good with letting me snack when I feel my blood sugar starting to tank.