Hello All! Over 60 but not over the hill!

Hello! I am 63 years old and decided to start eating better and lose weight. On July 20 2017 I weight in at 184.4. I joined a weight loss program at work called the State of Slim; AKA the Colorado Diet. It got me going on the right path for watching my food intake and increase my daily exercising.

In December the State of Slim completed and I signed up weight management program that my medical insurance company pays for:Real Appeal. Today I weight in at 157.0# (that's a weight loss of 27.4#) I am doing better with the Real Appeal program than when I followed the Colorado Diet. The Colorado Diet was extremely high protein and eating 6 meals a day and an extremely limited food choice. Also the recipes included a lot of food replacement items. I am not big into eating food substitutes like artificial sweeteners, salad dressings, etc. I want to eat real healthy foods in smaller portions without having to need a degree in chemistry to read the ingredients.
After years of yo-yo dieting I found the best success for me to lose weight is using a food diary and having strong support group and someone to be accountable to.

My goal is to feel better, feel better in my own skin; when I see my reflection in the mirror it actually matches what I think I look like, someone who is healthy, and fit and trim!
