1200kcal Vegetarian

Hey! Looking for friends who eat 1200kcal and are vegetarians. Would be great to share ideas for meals!


  • Stitched84
    Stitched84 Posts: 14 Member
    1200kcal vegan here :)
  • hankismyspiritanimal
    Hey! Looking for friends who eat 1200kcal and are vegetarians. Would be great to share ideas for meals!

    Im vegetarian as well and I'd love to find meals that are much higher in protein and iron
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I’m closer to 1500, and I do eat salmon and shrimp once in a while
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    13 year vegetarian and I ate 1200 plus exercise calories when I was losing. I’m in maintenance now, but I’m happy to chat.
    JRSINAZ Posts: 158 Member
    My diary is open for friends. I'm not vegan but working towards that
  • Ca7cher
    Ca7cher Posts: 15 Member
    I'm vegetarian and aim between 1200-1400 kcal, little more (couple hundred) once or twice a week to keep myself sane. I don't do any hocus pocus tricks with my diet to get more protein or iron, just a lot of veggies and wholegrains. I donate blood few times a year and so far my blood values have been perfect. :)
  • EimearTheDreamer4
    EimearTheDreamer4 Posts: 49 Member
    1200 kcal vegetarian here! Hankismyspiritanimal, if you're not gluten-averse and don't already eat it, seitan is great for bumping up protein and iron intake. It's pretty tasty, too!