Extra calories

Hello. According to MFP I should consume 1300 calories per day to meet my goals. What happens if I have calories left over like between 500-600 calories? Will I not lose the weight?


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    If it's just one day, it's probably fine. But if you keep eating 700-800 calories/day over time, you're likely to see nutrient deficiencies, reduced energy levels, increased cortisol, and brittle nails/thinning hair.
  • NoxeemaJackson
    NoxeemaJackson Posts: 102 Member
    For one day it's no problem.
    Over the long term, iof you consistently eat 500-600 valories under the recommended amount, it can slow your metabolism, and also you may end up losing more muscle mass than if you had eaten the proper amount of calories. It can also cause dizziness, fogginess, fainting spells, anemia, and stress on your organs.
    For me, when I;m really low on calories on a particular day, I don't force myself to eat those calories if I'm not hungry, but I always wake up the next morning really hungry, and so I just eat them then.
  • Rick_1953
    Rick_1953 Posts: 596 Member
    One day will not be an issue, but you should consume enough food during the day.
  • jnicole07
    jnicole07 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all!