Over eater

Hey everyone! I am desperate to lose some weight and I know that my problem is my eating habits. I find myself struggling to control my portions. I'm trying to eat healthier but I still find myself eating way more than what's needed. Does anyone have any tips on how to stop this destructive pattern?


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    another vote for pre-logging.

    portion things out, dont eat out of the bag or box
  • PhoenixIn2018
    PhoenixIn2018 Posts: 27 Member
    I have the tendency to overeat as well. I echo the advice of pre-logging everything as early in the day as possible, measure everything and never eat out of a container. All very sound advice and things I am actively applying to my own life now.
  • MelaniefromGA
    MelaniefromGA Posts: 17 Member
    I am definitely an over eater. I think there are lots of factors at play for me, with #1 being I put everyone and everything ahead of my own needs. Then when I eat, I tend to over eat because I “deserve it” “ will start tomorrow” “ I’m not really that overweight, I’ll be ok”

    Excuses, excuses, excuses.

    I’ve even been to OA (overeaters anonymous) mtgs and they didn’t help because I plain was not willing to do whatever was required to make it work.

    Sooo... I like the advice the others have given, deliberate planning is a must. And for me I have to stop, pause before I put anything in my mouth to avoid mindless eating.

    We can do this!!!!