Struggling to get back into deficit

I've been intentionally eating at about maintenance calories according to mfp over the festive period (altho still surprising even with eating lots of cookies and extra crisps ive still lost 2lbs!)
But I'm really struggling to get back to eating at a deficit, does anyone else feel like this and what tips do you have?
I get up every morning with the intention of keeping within my goals but I'm truely ravenous - I'm guessing my body has readjusted to the extra food...
I still want to loose another 20 or so lbs


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    log everything, accurately, then slowly decrease 50-100 cals a day till youre there. thats how i do it when i come off a break
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Meal prep and prelog your meals so there are no surprises. Eat foods higher in protein and fat which can help with satiety.
  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    edited January 2018
    How long were you eating at a deficit before the holidays rolled along? I find when people first start the reduction in calories is easier to maintain from determination and excitement to start losing weight.

    Then once things become normal it takes more effort to keep going because the novelty wore off.

    You can try just decreasing slowly. 100 calories a week or bi weekly until you get back to a regular deficit again
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    But if you lost 2lbs over the festive period then you weren't eating at maintenance but at deficit. With only having 20lbs more to lose 1lb a week is good.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Honestly? You just have to want to lose the weight more than you want the food. It's very easy to get comfortable and complacent and sometimes it just takes some sheer determination to get back on the horse. Maybe it's a good time to remind yourself why you want to lose those last 20lbs, and decide what you care about more.

    Of course, this is all assuming that you have chosen a reasonable calorie deficit based on your TDEE. Being a little hungry is one thing - but if your goal is too aggressive, that could be the problem.