Motivate Each Other :)) [[20s & 30s]]

chloecola Posts: 104 Member
edited January 2018 in Introduce Yourself
So my name is Chloe :) I'm 22. I work in a cabinetshop and I waitress. I am looking to lose 90 lbs through healthier eating, pole fitness, amd calisthenics. I get really obsessive about numbers and need coached through it. I generally lose about 30 lbs then *kitten* up and lose all focus and gain it all if not more back. I could really use some friends and mentors :)

[edited by MFP moderator]


  • chrisi9conway
    chrisi9conway Posts: 21 Member
    Hey I'm exactly the same. About to have a big op on my knee but needed motivating lol x
  • seking0902
    seking0902 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Chloe! I’m Sarah, 28 years old. Looking to lose about 90 pounds as well. Food is such a huge temptation for me. I get lost in high cal, greasy foods and gain back everything I lose and it’s just a constant yo-yo and I’m over it. Hit me up if you want to be a friend in this