Starting over... AGAIN!

Hi There! It's me AGAIN... How many of you have been here so many times you can't remember? I'm talking about diet day #1. For me it's the same thing. I do great for a few months then life happens and I'm back to square one. Not this time. I'm here for good! I now understand that sometimes, life happens, but we don't need to throw in the towel. Tomorrow always a new day. My name is Tiffany and I came back yesterday. January 1st. Not as a resolution but because of how it felt. A Monday (new beginning to the week) A new month and a New Year. Can't get a better fresh start than that! So I'm starting my journey I have 365 blank pages to fill on this journey and I'm looking forward to doing it!


  • novamagma
    novamagma Posts: 37 Member
    Oh definitely. I think I've been on MFP just about 3 years and every time I stay for a few months and then burnout. Stepped on a scale recently and for the first time ever was over the 200 lb mark and decided I had to get back into it. I've been logging for a month now and it's been going well so hoping that will give me the momentum I need for the new year. Just joined another dietbet too so that should give me some motivation. Fingers crossed! Good luck to both of us!
  • roxannvidal25
    roxannvidal25 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been there to the last time I started I was at 168 now I’m 200
  • jannylynn1
    jannylynn1 Posts: 3 Member
    well, this is my first time on MFP but not to a new "life style change" ( they don't want you to say diet any more). I had gotten down from 230 to 168 and like you-life happen and it started coming back. Was on a program called Leanness Lifestyle and learn to eat clean. But when you have a hubby who eats whatever and tells you a little won't hurt- makes it hard. Was thinking about going for the bariatric surgery like my sister-in-law did and who is going to be skinnier than for the family reunion. But then got to thinking what am I learning if I just eat diet pills or have surgery. I need to get back in the swing. So hopefully with eery ones help we can all do this. Good luck to all of us!!
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    Me too. :) This is definitely not my first rodeo, or my second, or even my third. But every time I come back with just a bit less damage and a bit less shame for having fallen off the wagon. Considering how long it took me to finally quit smoking for good, I've just come to accept that changing habits is not a smooth, linear process and takes lots and lots of practice. Every time I fail I learn something new, and I build on it and do a little better next time. Last time I managed to get to the root of my issues with binge eating...the way that I used food like a drug to turn off my emotions. The only way to stop was to actually deal with my emotions...ugh! That's why it's so hard for folks, I think. It can be an emotional rollercoaster, because all the crap you've been suppressing with food comes to the surface. Exercise helps. So does St. John's Wort. But sometimes the only way out is through. Looking forward to getting back to work on myself and staring down my demons once more. Anyone feel free to friend me. Good luck, you all! <3
  • kissedbythesunlight
    I understand for sure. I lost 50lbs back in 2016 and kept it off until around March of 2017. I guess I just stopped caring enough and was tired of counting everything I ate. So here I am again after regaining 28 of those lbs. This year I’m looking to get rid of those 28 plus about 20 more. Feel free to add me. Plus if 1984 is your birth year that means we are the same age. Good luck on your journey.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    I'm also someone who tends to do great for a few months and then wander away and regain it all. Of course this time I'm going to keep at it ... or so I hope. My resolution is to quit quitting. Feel free to add me if you wish!