I'm new to MFP


Had the the app for a few years but was never used. Used to use Lose it. I am currently using both but MFP is growing on me. I hope to make friends here as well. On a ketogenic diet (week #2) and hopefully in conjunction with MFP I get good results.



  • Rick_1953
    Rick_1953 Posts: 596 Member
    Best of luck. You can friend request me if you like. BTW any eating plan that creates a deficit of calories will work
  • zanenicole2016
    zanenicole2016 Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to send me an invite! We can motivate each other! Not doing keto but considering it
  • loseit6mfp
    loseit6mfp Posts: 7 Member
    I've had mfp for awhile too and start and stop ..but not giving up this time! We got this!
  • Sourcake
    Sourcake Posts: 7 Member
    Sarah from Nova Scotia here. Been using MFP for a few years off and on when I notice the pants getting tighter and to get me back on track. Hurt my shoulder a few months ago and haven't been working out as much and really noticing it. Heard so many good things about the keto diet so thought I'd give it a try. Day 9 and feeling kinda gross for the past few days but I'm down 7lbs already and I haven't been hungry. Feel free to add me for support and advice sharing :)
  • jsoto8888
    jsoto8888 Posts: 17 Member
    Rick_1953 wrote: »
    Best of luck. You can friend request me if you like. BTW any eating plan that creates a deficit of calories will work

    I used the: Ruled.me/keto-calculator/

    For getting started with Keto and macros.
  • jsoto8888
    jsoto8888 Posts: 17 Member
    loseit6mfp wrote: »
    I've had mfp for awhile too and start and stop ..but not giving up this time! We got this![/quote

    Let's do this!! I am not giving up this time either!
  • SeaMist18
    SeaMist18 Posts: 15 Member
    Just started would love some buddies to help me stay on track.
  • jsoto8888
    jsoto8888 Posts: 17 Member
    SeaMist18 wrote: »
    Just started would love some buddies to help me stay on track.

    Feel free to add me. I started just before Thanksgiving 2017 :-)
  • jsoto8888
    jsoto8888 Posts: 17 Member
    I am looking for some amigos to make my time at MFP pretty good! Please add me :-)
  • brookiebrooke87
    brookiebrooke87 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. I'm on the keto diet as well. Would like some help with motivation and foods(I get tired of eating the same things over and over.) I started keto in October and have lost 15 pounds!
  • AprilNewYear18
    AprilNewYear18 Posts: 45 Member
    Not doing keto, but looking for friends and motivation!
  • BradyPug
    BradyPug Posts: 26 Member
    Not doing keto but lost weight following low carb lifestyle. Have sort of morphed to a Mediterranean type of healthy eating. Trying to be more active by swimming and other cardio stuff. So far so good.

    Jose (or anyone) ..... Feel free to add me as friend and/or message and share motivation and hints and tips
  • jsoto8888
    jsoto8888 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks!! I’ll add you now :-)
  • jsoto8888
    jsoto8888 Posts: 17 Member

    Hi. I'm on the keto diet as well. Would like some help with motivation and foods(I get tired of eating the same things over and over.) I started keto in October and have lost 15 pounds!

    Hi! Add me maybe we can share ideas. Since you have been longer than I have maybe I can get tips from you?
  • jsoto8888
    jsoto8888 Posts: 17 Member
    SeaMist18 wrote: »
    Just started would love some buddies to help me stay on track.

    Feel free to add me :-)
  • jsoto8888
    jsoto8888 Posts: 17 Member
    Rick_1953 wrote: »
    Best of luck. You can friend request me if you like. BTW any eating plan that creates a deficit of calories will work

    Thanks will do!