Advice greatly need please!

ok so i've been on holiday with the family this week, and every day we've been going out for lunch and dinner. when we was on the way there on monday we was all hungry and ended up stopping at mcdonalds, then unable to find anything for tea we had to result to the chip shop! tuesday i was promised would be better we ended up have a bageutte for dinner which i guess isnt too bad but then an ice cream and frankies and bennys in the evening was very bad at frankis and bennys i was able to get away with the amazing skins starter as my main. Yesterday we went to greggs for dinner- i had a cheese and tomatoe pizza - 330 cal? then we went to a restarant and had chilli con carne i know today is going to be no better. i dont want to be eating like this, i really dont the thought of it is making me feel revolting and sick but its a family holiday and i know me being on a diet upsets my mum and i dont want to ruin it.

Its also my birthday on friday (which is also wen we come home), we're going to frankie and bennys and im a great believer that you can eat what you want on your birthday and at the moment im debating with myself what to do. Its my birthday, i want to enjoy it, it only comes once a year, next week will be a new week. But on the other hand it's been a dreadful week calorie wise and do i really want to carry it on? i already feel sick about my weight and going to frankies and bennys and having a 1,000 calorie meal will be no help what so ever

please give me some advise, i'm such a mess at the minute :sad:


  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member
    just remember it takes an EXTRA 3500 cals just to put on 1lb - and im guessing you will be walking etc lots - so i wouldnt worry x
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    I wouldnt worry just eat your maintenance calories this week maybe a little more on your birthday if you want and try to get some activity in. And you are revving up your metabolism by giving it a break from your diet :) you wont gain and you get to start over all refreshed :) Dont worry about dieting just try to make smarter choices then you did before you were more educated like you are now :)
  • ruthkennedy
    ruthkennedy Posts: 48 Member
    Hon, it's a holiday, they only come once or if you're lucky twice a year. Don't spoil it by beating yourself up over what you eat!

    Next week is a new week and you can start again. My advice would be top be as good as you can in the circumstances, enjoy the holiday and your birthday and then re-focus and give it another go.

    If its any help when I went away recently with the family I decided that I would eat and drink what I wanted for the week including chips, ice cream and way to much alcohol and because I wasn't sitting at my desk but out and about I still managed to loose a little bit, The most important thing though was that I enjoyed myself and came back releaxed and ready to get stuck in again.

    Hang on in there and it'll all be fine
  • skynut
    skynut Posts: 16
    Thank you so much for all your support :D i did enjoy today, back on track tomorrow xxx