weight watchers

DanielleMN Posts: 24 Member
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all,

I'm new to this site and just started recording my food less than a week ago. Well, tomorrow I'm joining weight watchers with a friend of mine and they also have an online site where I can record "points". Does anyone have any thoughts about recording calories/nutrients vs. recording points? I can't decide whether to follow the weight watchers program or keep doing what I'm doing...



  • Imeldajg86
    Imeldajg86 Posts: 2 Member
    I also tried the weight watcher program. I think it's very similar to tracking your food on MFP. The whole point of them both is to be aware of what you're eating and try to set limits for yourself
  • kdelost630
    kdelost630 Posts: 196 Member
    I had done Weight Watchers for a while before I found MyFitnessPal...and personally I like this better. Especially with the new PointsPlus system, it's hard to have any idea how many points something is without calculating it. With counting calories, it's very straight forward and you know where you stand throughout the day.
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    I am currently doing weight watchers. Im trying it again because I have quit them about 2 times already
  • kimkat77
    kimkat77 Posts: 20
    I have done weight watchers in the past, and was happy with the weight loss....HOWEVER, I am in love with this site! It has taught me more about nutrition then WW ever did. I understand which foods have hidden calories, etc... I didn't grasp this in a "real life" way by calculating points. I also got so sick of people asking me, "How many points is that worth," or, "How many points do you have left for the day?" It drove me nuts. I feel like this site has A LOT of support and tools that are wonderful. You could always try both and see which one works better for you! Good luck!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I did weight watchers when I was younger and I think MFP is way better. You really don't learn about nutrition with WW making easy for you to gain weight once you are off of it. You don't have to convert everything to points and it is free. There is a lot of support here as well. I would say save your money!
  • mhig011975
    mhig011975 Posts: 181
    Weight Watchers Points and MFP are about 99.9% the same. I had really good success when I was doing their program. I left WW cause it cost money, and as soon as I lost my weight I gained half back. I have lost 24lbs since joining MFP. In my opinion MFP is indeed alot better than WW.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I'm actually doing the old WW system because it's simpler than the new Points Plus. I do it in conjunction with MFP because in addition to WW points, I want to know what other nutrients I'm getting and how many calories I'm burning.
  • slamazon
    slamazon Posts: 43 Member
    I also went the Weight Watchers online route five years ago and lost 60 pounds. I gained most of it back :( and joined MFP in January. So far so good ... I am down 34 pounds and counting!!!

    I feel that the MFP food database is far superior and the online community is fantastic! MFP certainly rivals the WW online program and it's free :)
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    i lost 55 lbs with w.w. they teach u how to change your eating. nothing is off limits. if u attend meetings, u would get support at the meetings. my husband has lost 204 lbs on w.w.
  • Hello, I am an ex weight watcher member. I lost and gained the same 40 pounds 3 times. Everytime I stopped going I gained it back. I always stopped keeping track. The new points system doesn't seem to work as well as the old plan. My friend kept gaining weight and I think it's because she ate tons of fruit which is now 0 points. Just doesn't make sense when we know how may calories are in a banana, she ate 4 a day. Good luck with your choice. Any time you are made accountable for what you are eatting works. Good luck.
  • DamageCase76
    DamageCase76 Posts: 6 Member
    I was thinking the same thing about Weight Watchers. I had followed the old points system with moderate success, but like others have said, calculating points became a pain in butt. I've only been on MFP for 4 days and it seems very similar to points, but I like that I can track things like Sodium intake and the exercise amounts. Plus it's online and easy to use anywhere, it's free and there seems to be a great community of support here too! Whatever you choose, best of luck!
  • tinymite1
    tinymite1 Posts: 13 Member
    I've done WW as well. I think both WW and MFP both do a good job of tracking your calories, nutrients, etc. I have to say I think I like this one better. But I think that is because I'm aware of what I'm eating without tracking the points along with WW. I just look at this as WW without figuring out points :)
  • gloryrest
    gloryrest Posts: 47 Member
    Weight Watchers is good. If you have the foundational knowledge of portion control and discipline, this site will work all the same. If you like the meetings then WW is good. It all works if we work it. So your choice. Monitoring calories/points/carbs/fat, etc.. .bottomline eating healthy/portion control and discipline. I'm doing free for now with this site. I like being able to speak to others and learn from them, etc. . .fun and I may actually lose some lbs.
  • DanielleMN
    DanielleMN Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you, I really appreciate hearing all your perspectives. It's alot to think about.
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