I am beginning to ask myself...

change_happens Posts: 491
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
.... "Why am I doing all of this exercise?"

Seriously, I sit here right now exhausted. Absolutely burned out! I can't lift another leg to the cheery Leslie Sansone and her chipper walking mates. My legs, today, have a mind of their own. They refuse to cooperate and to be honest, I refuse to whip them into submission. Afterall, what do they expect, I did a lot of cardio this morning. I didn't smile through it, but I sucked it up and eeked out a tiny sweat.

I know, I may sound like a wimp of sorts. Maybe a cry-baby who needs a swaddling blanket and a pacifier coupled with the warm scent of a mommies neck. However, for the sake of integrity and character I have to be boldly honest... I HATE this process! In the beginning it was fun. It was fun collecting workout DVD's, popping them in one after the other. Motivation was at an all time high. It was fun trying out new, healthy, tasty recipes. Now it just seems like the love is gone, but I remain hoping for a change. I hope for the change because I have seen some change... if that makes sense at all.

Don't get me wrong... I AM NOT GIVING UP! Just seems like it is taking a long time just to reach my goal. I know, I know, one day at a time.

Is there anyone else out there that feels this way, but you keep moving ahead because you know that you are doing something good for you?


  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Have you taken a walk outside in the sunshine lately? A dose of natural vitamin D helps a little, plus a walk instead of a workout is a good change of pace now & then. Good Luck!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    II think about how much smaller my legs and belly are now and how much smaller they will be if I keep going. I also tell myself that I have been through a *heck* of a lot in life and losing weight and exercising is not nearly as hard as some of the other stuff. It isn't always easy and its isn't always fun, but when I'm about to give up, I retreat into the fantasies in my head, aka "going to my happy place." It works for me. I hope you find something that works for you.
  • cvealb
    cvealb Posts: 8
    Yep, I know how you feel. The scales did not move, up or down, for 4 weeks. Then yesterday, i dropped 2.2 lbs. Wanted to throw the elliptical out lots of days and follow that with a pizza and chocolate lava cake. But I didn't. And now I am glad. So the only advice is what you said, suck it up and keep pressing on.
  • I think most people hit these kind of walls. For myself, I had to realize that I never accomplished my first goal (weight loss), b/c I'd hit the wall and stop. That's what makes me determined to push through whatever it is this time.

    I believe I'm in a different place, spiritually, than I've ever been before & I just don't deserve the old mindsets I used to have. I deserve more. I'm better than what I've been treating my body. God's designed me for more. So, I'm going to give more. I'm going to be the best I can b/c God didn't make me to be anything other than that - the best me.

    Be encouraged and know that God wants the best for you & it's okay for you to want the same, too.


  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I find I go in cycles. I start loving it .. then I start hating it again. Just keep pushing - eventually you will be excited about it again. Your body is probably trying to tell you to take a break - so listen :)
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I totally go through spurts like that!! Mostly when I haven't seen the scale change in a while. Makes it hard to keep going. But I do and just keep telling myself that this is not just until I lose the weight, it's forever.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    .... "Why am I doing all of this exercise?"

    Is there anyone else out there that feels this way, but you keep moving ahead because you know that you are doing something good for you?

    Honest answer - No never - every day I thank my lucky stars that I found the "answer", and that I have managed to change my life around to a healthy lifestyle.....

    I love cooking a lovely healthy meal, I love the way I feel after a hard kick *kitten* workout - because I know that I am changing into a new healthy person - and I am eternally thankfull for that.....

    I love the way I look now - and even if it takes me another year to get rid of the rest of this weight I am going to go into each of those days with a smile on my face - because I am doing something about it!!

    My motto - " I don't have a goal weight - I have a goal life" - and I am living it every day....
  • I to feel the same way from time to time. I have not walked in weeks and I have so not wanted to stay focused at all. My kids and husband have been very good about things and very encouraging. Its just some days. LOL , I have also seen the change and that alone has helped me continue on. So take it from me and keep up all your good work and Hats off to you for loosing 22lbs.

    Always reading TTBROOKS
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    If I were exercising just for the sake of exercise or to reach my weight loss goal I would probably burn out and hate it. But I exercise for a few different reasons. The main one being that I do taekwondo (plenty of exercise in and of itself!) and I want to be in better shape and have less of me to move when I'm doing it. Doing a jump spinning side kick is not easy when you've got an extra 75-80 pounds on you!

    I would suggest that you try to find some exercise that you enjoy just because you like doing it and for no other reason. I LOVE biking! Going on a several hour long bike ride for me is a treat and not a duty. Same with Taekwondo! Love, love love it!!! I am so sad when I don't get to do it!

    People like doing Zumba because it's fun. Some people like running, others playing soccer or swimming. The common theme is they actually like doing it. You're not going to love working out everyday, even if it's an activity you like but if you know you usually love it , doing it even when you don't feel like it will just make you better at it in the long run. At least it works that way for me with TKD. :)

    The other reason I workout is that I love how it makes me feel! I've been doing P90X for almost 6 months now and I am totally loving the strength, agility, stamina and endurance I've gained from it! It's totally translated into better TKD for me along with being able to do so many things in real life better! Not to mention I'm loving the appearance of some lovely muscles!

    Oh, and exercise tends to ramp up my libido so my DH is really loving that part. ;)
  • corymomma
    corymomma Posts: 405 Member
    Keep working toward your goals. Look how far you have already come! You can do this, you are just having a hard time right now. My very best friend just went through that, and suddenly this morning she dropped 3 pounds...keep working, and trust me I know there are times I would like to slap Leslie into submission, especially when I'm panting and straining just to barely keep up, and then she ramps up the pace just a bit more to a job and all I could do was fall over and yell at her to just shut up...

    Like someone else suggested, grab some music and take a walk outside if you can. The sun will do you some good. If the weather is just too yucky, grab your music and head to the mall and "window shop" walk in the morning before the stores open, and there are less crowds if you don't like the crowds...Just change it up...You will get back into it...and change is good...

  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    I am somewhat tired of my routine somewhat. It can be hard to find ways to stay motivated. I would recommend Netflix. They have a ton of exercise videos you have probably never heard of. Then you might find something new to do in a video. Try a new class at your gym, or ymca. I also visit my local library for new cookbooks. My favorite month so far was May. I did Jillian Michaels, meatless mondays, and kept up with my regular walks. It was kind of fun finding new goals to go for. Best of luck! :)
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