C25K Quitter

Okay, I am there.....right where I quit every time. Week 4 Day 3. I was suppose to run today after work and put it off, because I am afraid that tomorrow I will quit like I always do. Please give me some tips. I have music and the TV, so I have things to occupy me. I even run w/the app. So, looking at the clock is not a option/problem. Not sure what to do to get thru this tomorrow. Maybe I should post my # and everyone can send inspiring text during the run :bigsmile: Thanks for any input!!!


  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Just keep going! You can do it! When you procrastinate, then post on here that you're procrastinating. Usually that motivates me to get up and do it, so that my peeps get the follow up that I actually did it. :)

    I've been trying to push my husband through this. If you want, we can be friends. I love encouraging people!
  • Photoology
    Photoology Posts: 121 Member
    So you know you quit.... then just don't. Keep telling yourself no... no I will not quit.

    If that doesn't work (and I know that sounds easier than it is).... ask yourself why do you quit? Is it because you are scared of the run? If so... trust the program and know that you wouldnt be asked to run so much if you couldn't handle it. If you still are scared of the run, then repeat a day that you know you can do.

    When I run, I also have a mantra I keep repeating that actually gets me through the time that i want to quit my run. Yes... I sing to myself "Keep on moving...keep on running" and imagine the fish from Finding Nemo. Silly yes, but awesome. I read somewhere that a woman repeats the name of all of her children or another curses (under her breath) to keep pushing yourself.

    Remember, if you get through tomorrow, you will have accomplished a goal. Think how awesome that will feel.

    You can do it... just do it!
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    I didn't use the C25k program. I just started with intervals of running one minute and walking two minutes. I can now run a 5k (on my treadmill) without stopping. I use the NIke+ Gps app and love it. I also make sure that I have a lot of good music on my ipod. I didn't like running at first, but now I love it. You can do it!
  • wpmarsh63
    wpmarsh63 Posts: 1 Member
    The first step to training is to find a 5k race and sign up. Then you will have a goal, a date and start your training. For me there are all sorts of excuses I can find to not go. None of them are good enough. On days you don't feel like going, just open the door and go. You will feel great when you finish. And if you have signed up for a race, in order to run it you must do the training. Crossing the finish line is worth all the training. Anything worth doing is not going to be easy. If it was everyone would do it. So be the one that does it. Go, just do it. When you hit your goal, you will feel great, and you will know that you can do anything you set out to do. Running is 95% mental, and the other 5% is mental ;)

    Finding a mantra is a great idea too. Mine is "One more mile", if your running say 5 miles, and you want to quit during mile 2 because you feel like crap (and yes that happens), just tell your self to finish mile 2. Don't look to the finish, just run to 2 miles and then you will figure out what to do. Every time, when I get to mile 2 I say, ok, one more mile, just get to mile 3. Before you know it your at mile 5 and done. Everyone can run "one mile"

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  • Just keep swimming!

    Post on here when you finish your run!!!
  • This has nothing to do with helping you with your exercise but I have to tell you that I love the quote on your post!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Picture yourself crossing a finish line with your arms up like they do at the Olympics.... be your own cheerleader!!!! You can do this!!!!!
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    I make deals with myself while I'm running. I start out with a goal of, say 7 songs. Somewhere during the 2nd, I'm tired, and ready to be done. So I tell myself "one more song" - I'll make it through the 3rd, and realize that I still don't feel great, but I don't feel worse than I did midway through the 2nd song, so I don't *need* to quit. The next convincing is that I'm halfway through, and I can do more. Then it's on to the countdown "only 2 more songs", etc...

    I also notice that if I relax and don't try so hard, it actually gets easier. Relax your shoulders and pace your breathing (none of the huffing and puffing stuff).
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    When I run, I also have a mantra I keep repeating that actually gets me through the time that i want to quit my run. Yes... I sing to myself "Keep on moving...keep on running" and imagine the fish from Finding Nemo. Silly yes, but awesome. I read somewhere that a woman repeats the name of all of her children or another curses (under her breath) to keep pushing yourself.

    ^^^^This works for me. Mine is "Whether I can or can't, I'm GOING TO!" and I do. I too have started and quit C25k before. Am now in week 8 and can't imagine not finishing. You can do it!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Take C25K and throw it out the window... there is reason why most people quite around week 4 ... its because it requires you to increase your running durations too soon.

    Check out www.jeffgalloway.com and find a happy wonderful way to run.

    I was alot like the poster above .. I started with run/walk intervals ... except I was so fat and out of shape I literally started running the first 30 seconds of every song on my Ipod and walking the rest ... then run 1 min and walk 3 minutes ...

    Now I follow a true Galloway plan ... run 90 seconds and walk 1 min :) It works amazing for me... what I lack in speed I make up in distance! And running is a true joy...

    Good luck ... check out my profile and friend me if you would like!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Just do it tonight. Get it done. If need be tell yourself you can always quit 'Tomorrow'. It's always only 1 day away. 1 day more of doing this isn't too much to commit to, right?
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Set up an awesome reward for yourself if you don't quit..... a very nice treat.
    Also, it's about running for the time, not the speed. So jog very very very slowly. I did the C25K program running really slowly.... barely faster than my walk. BUT, I did it. And so can you. Just do it, don't quit. No one cares how slow you go, just that you do it. You can and will amaze yourself.
  • IndyCarfan
    IndyCarfan Posts: 11 Member
    Check out www.jeffgalloway.com and find a happy wonderful way to run.

    I totally agree with Emma! I've failed to complete C25K more times than I can count, but I've proudly finished 13 half marathons. Some of us are just happier sticking with intervals and there is nothing wrong with that.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I used to get intimidated by certain run times, but I just gave it a whirl and said I'd see what happened. It helped me to finish the C25K (twice). The song suggestion is a good one - I ran outdoors and used "landmarks" - I'll run to that sign, or I'll run to the end of the block and see how I feel... I always kept going.

    Even now there are distances that freak me out - I had an 8 mile hurdle recently. Finally I bit the bullet and I did it. It's a GREAT accomplishment when you can say it's behind you :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Take your speed down a notch and you should be fine. I think it gets hard if you try to go too fast too soon.
    Take it slow and you can do anything :smile:
    (I started C25K in January and this morning I ran 12 km. I'm slow but I am building my endurance for now and picking up the pace gradually).
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    It was about this time that I moved over to c210k. The runs are shorter, the walks/recovery are longer but you're working out for 2x as long. Once I switched, I actually started to LOVE it. (I couldn't handle the increases of c25k, but I ROCKED c210k!)
  • candiigraham
    candiigraham Posts: 53 Member
    This has nothing to do with helping you with your exercise but I have to tell you that I love the quote on your post!!

    Thanks - and it's a DAILY request :smile:
  • candiigraham
    candiigraham Posts: 53 Member
    I did it! Yes, I did and I'm not afraid of today's run!. Thanks to all of you for the encouraging words and advice. What got me going is a "Mantra" of all different kinds of things. But "I did it" and that's all that matters.
  • candiigraham
    candiigraham Posts: 53 Member
    Check out www.jeffgalloway.com and find a happy wonderful way to run.

    I totally agree with Emma! I've failed to complete C25K more times than I can count, but I've proudly finished 13 half marathons. Some of us are just happier sticking with intervals and there is nothing wrong with that.
    Checking out now! Thanks!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I did it! Yes, I did and I'm not afraid of today's run!. Thanks to all of you for the encouraging words and advice. What got me going is a "Mantra" of all different kinds of things. But "I did it" and that's all that matters.
    Good going!