Looking for female workout partners

I find it easy and fun to workout with someone. We can go for a run, I own P90X and yoga. I don't own a gym membership, I workout at home.
Women only, any age.
Local area only.
My fitness goal is to gain weight and muscle weight. What's yours?
I'm 25 years old. Cat owner and coffee lover.
Message me if you wanna work out together.


  • motivatednesser
    motivatednesser Posts: 6 Member
    Im from Puyallup wa are you close by, would be great to have a workout friend. Thx vanessa
  • barbie4ks
    barbie4ks Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I’m in South Hill, also looking for a workout partner. Workout schedule every evening @ LA Fitness. Let me know if you’d like to get together.