
Hi! I’m am a 36 year old teacher looking for more like minded friends. I finished my masters last year and got off track with working out and gained weight. I like to run, kayak, ride a road bike, and do insanity and p90x. I don’t belong to a gym but would like to learn more about lifting weights. Feel free to add me as a friend, and if you can give me advise about lifting that would be great too! Thanks!


  • Bubbaistrying
    Bubbaistrying Posts: 454 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • Barfly57
    Barfly57 Posts: 333 Member
    Hi! Not a teacher, but I run, bike, hike, and workout. I've never belonged to a gym, prefer to workout at home. I haven't lifted in a while due to a back injury, but I had for years before that (I do all bodyweight workouts now) so ask away if you'd like any advice.
  • Greg580
    Greg580 Posts: 24 Member
    I am a professor. Feel free to add me. And yes, I can relate to getting off track while in school! It's tough