I'm new here, so...how's this myfitnesspal working for you?

Hello fitness team mates,

I'm 57 and after gaining a slow/steady pound per year (even though I've been fit and healthy thus far) I realized it's time for me to face my new metabolism and make conscious changes so I reverse this trend. This is the first time I've used a calorie counter, food diary, and wonder about the app and the community here. How's it working for y'all?


  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Welcome! I originally joined MFP in 2012 but didn't get serious until after I had my first child and started really using it around August 2013. I reached my goal back in June 2015, and I'm about 10 lbs away from that same goal again after having my second child. MFP has definitely helped over these last few years, and I love the community! There are some fun groups out there for different interests and challenges to keep it motivating, and once you get your main staples logged it's easy to quickly log your days. (I try to pre-log in the morning so I have an idea of how many calories I'm going to use and how much I have left in case a craving hits) Good luck!
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    literally saved my life
  • jordandills
    jordandills Posts: 103 Member
    It's taken me from morbid obesity to normal BMI and given me control over my food decisions. Working out pretty well.
  • steechwalk
    steechwalk Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2018
    I got my 1st friend request