My journey and starting over

ltfitz89 Posts: 295 Member
Good morning MFP friends! I am a chronic starter and this is officially the last time I will"start" this journey. I have been a member of MFP since June 7 2012. From June 2012- Oct 2013 I lost approximately 55 lbs. I was happy with my progress and I became lax, causing me to gain 10-15 lbs from Oct 2013-June 2014. I got married in June and went on an all inclusive honeymoon with my husband and gained almost 15 lbs in 10 days. I struggled from July 2014- January 2015 to get my act together and planned to start over. I did great the first 2 weeks in January 2015 until I was in a car accident and laid up for almost 4 months. In April 2015 I moved from NY to SC and was adamant that u would lose the weight I had gained. However the stressed of my new job, working 14-16 hour days and eating dinner at 8pm before going to bed helped me gain another 20 lbs before the end of the year. I had gained all my weight back instead of losing and I was back where if started in 2012. My weight just kept climbing. I reached my all-time heaviest weight in January 2017. I struggled to get on track until July 2017 and started logging and walking everyday. I lost 15 lbs while I was on summer break. I fluctuated all fall term and over Christmas break I gained 4-6 lbs.

Although I am 7 lbs down from my all time heaviest weight I can't take the way I look or feel anymore. Food has always been the one thing I could control when I felt everything else was chaotic. Eating whatever I wanted and however much I wanted meant I was in control. I finally realized it's the opposite; I binge eat all the wrong food and it's not me being in control, it's me losing all control. This year I am taking back my control over my eating. This is my final first step. I never want to start over again.

This time I'm going to succeed at the goal I started almost 6 years ago, losing the weight permanently. I never want to see these numbers on a scale again.


  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,801 MFP Moderator
    Nothing wrong with starting again. The key is to not give up on yourself. :)
  • Bailey00030
    Bailey00030 Posts: 30 Member
    I am in a very similar position and this time needs to be different. Congrats on starting this again. It is truly the first step. Feel free to add me if you like for someone to cheer you on. Good luck on your journey!
  • Sarahirivera153
    Sarahirivera153 Posts: 1 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!! I am turning 40 this year and my body its feeling it. I had baby 5 months ago my miracle baby.. I've tried losing weight before and have bit this time around its so hard because I'm always do busy being a mommy of 3. I want to start over..
  • mwalle09
    mwalle09 Posts: 305 Member
    You got this! I am a teacher too and that is rewarding but tough to be healthy with. Starting over is still starting and you can only get to where you want by doing that first.
  • Falklang
    Falklang Posts: 220 Member
    You can do it! :) My philosophy in life is the more times you restart and don't quit the more chance you give yourself to actually do it.
  • susanlloydhocking
    I love the term "chronic starter". That describes me to a tee!
  • AndrewPX
    AndrewPX Posts: 46 Member
    Yes - I'm rebooting again!
  • 100toloose
    100toloose Posts: 151 Member
    Please anyone who need support add me as well . I’m in the same group - Chronic ReStarter -
  • Phittime2018
    Phittime2018 Posts: 9 Member
    I’m with you.. Starting over again and again. Add me, we can do this together FOR THE LAST TIME!
  • New_Atti2ude
    New_Atti2ude Posts: 114 Member
    "Fall down seven times, get up eight". Nice to meet you. I totally can relate. If you need a non judgemental supportive friend who is trying and who will continue to try until I reach my "goal". Awe hell...I'm sending you an invite anyways.
  • New_Atti2ude
    New_Atti2ude Posts: 114 Member
    Mirror mirror on the wall, I'll always get up after I fall. And whether I run, walk or have to crawl, I'll set my goals and achieve them all!

    Can I have this? I'm using this o:)
  • Seaflower920
    Seaflower920 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, talk about chronic starter, my hand is up. I had weight loss surgery 11 yrs ago got below my goal 3 yrs ago then “BAM” the weight is flying on, I’ve been on here tracking my diet for 7 days and haven’t lost a single cm
  • sheloco89
    sheloco89 Posts: 24 Member
    Add me and we can support eachother! I want this to be a permanant change too, sick of yo-yoing .