Contraceptive Pill and Eating

I've just started to risk my calorie intake over the last week.. I don't know what I was eating like before however I have been finding 1450 calories to be ok. Until today when I took my combination pill (for the last week I've been on my sugar pills) and good gracious I can notice the difference in hunger. Over the week I've been exercises and staying well within my limit and happily so with no real hunger or craving to eat but just today alone I am finding it so hard to not eat my body weight in food. Any tips?


  • sschiano
    sschiano Posts: 48 Member
    you must not give in and you must watch what you eat, i went on the pill for a little over a year and i gained 30 lbs it is not a joke, going on the pill was the worst thing i ever did to my body. i could only do a particular one since it was to balance a hormone problem but talk to your doctor and try to find one that doesnt make you hungry. i would hate to see what happened to me happen to you, im only now losing the weight, and it's awful hard. BEST OF LUCK!!
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    Talk to your doctor.

    There are several different types of pills available.
    The combo Estrogen and Progestogen tend to cause hunger alot more then other kinds that are available.

    I know this only because I used to be on orthocyclen which uses both, and had alot of trouble controlling my weight and hunger. In fact that is where I gained almost 40 pds from.

    I have switched to a Progestogen only pill that doesn't cause me to have those hunger pains.

    I highly recommend talking about your options with a doctor!!!
  • Tereztaylor07
    I have been on the nuva ring 8 years now, and I have never noticed it causing me hunger. I obviously gained weight on it, but it was not a cause, my inactivity and eating too much fast food and junk caused the gain lol. I have successfully lost 55 lbs while on the nuva ring. Maybe you had a really intense work out that caused your body to be hungry?
  • itsxsasha
    Thank you for the awesome advice!

    The Pill I'm on has been a lot of trial and error and I found that this one has more positives than negatives. It's Yasmin and I've found that it keeps my weight steady and my skin clear so I've been on it now for 3 years. However because this is the first time I've ever really decided to watch my calorie intake I didn't realize how hungry I must usually be. I agree that the Pill doesn't make you fat it's the fact that the Pill makes you wanna eat due to hormones which in turn with a combination of no exercise and lots of overeating results in weight gain.

    I was just wondering if there were any strategies like do you guys maybe exercise more? Does the hunger ever really go away? Do you just give in the hunger cravings (which of course is always for bad food and not a healthy option)?

    I'm just wondering strategy wise because I didn't realize that the Pill can have such a huge effect on hunger - mainly because when I've been hungry I've been eating haha which is obviously all the time and a lot to stop being hungry.

    I know that I can't come off the Pill so yeah any other strategies from the ladies?