Hitting the reset button

Hello everyone,
My name is Felicity, I live in the Netherlands.
Two and half years ago I gave birth to my beautiful princess whom I love more than anything in the world. But during the course of my pregnancy I gained more than 25 kilos and the weight has stuck with me ever since.
My problem is I lack motivation and encouragement to press forward. But 2018 I’m resetting my mindset and I’m going to do anything to lose the weight and achieve the body that I dream of.

Ps. I am looking for friends to discuss our journey, share ideas and motivate ourselves so please feel free to add me. Im still figuring out how to use the app.
Lots of love.


  • OriginalShyChar
    OriginalShyChar Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Felicity. :) I wish you the best.
  • redriverock
    redriverock Posts: 4 Member
    Hey hey motivation! You can do this. Your Princess needs to see that her Mom can do anything. Cheering you on from afar.
    Lifestyle changes,
  • felbaby
    felbaby Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you very much Shana. Yes I can do this