Newbie- Keto and looking for logging buddies.

Hello! I’m Brie (29) and from New Zealand but a seasoned traveller. I’ve just stared Keto as a way to axe sugar and set myself up for a great year. I’m looking to lose 10-20lbs and then maintain loss long term. Would love some accountability buddies... I feel then I’d watch what I ate more!


  • KittyTeer
    KittyTeer Posts: 5 Member
    Howdy from Texas Brie! Hope you are having a great day and I'm with you on the axe sugar issues. Would love to help you out if you can keep me out of the cookie jar as well.
    Have a great one!
  • paulyt2192
    paulyt2192 Posts: 4 Member
    coke zero= 1 calorie , 0 sugar
  • Murphylee
    Murphylee Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all, I am Durga from Boston, USA. I started Keto Jan 1st and just weighed myself this morning, I have lost 5.4 pounds in my 30 lb weight loss journey. Feeling very positive about a good start. I am following people on Reddit and youtube for inspiration and information. I am here because I want to be a part of a community.
  • SparkyJess3
    SparkyJess3 Posts: 625 Member
    Hi, I started Keto on January 3rd and as of this morning I am down 8 pounds! I would love to be your motivation buddy throughout your process! I'm looking to lose around 30 to 40 pounds.
  • jinxe1
    jinxe1 Posts: 2 Member
    New to Keto. Not new to low carbing. I have a 50 lb goal. I could use all the help I can get. I live in a family that eats a lot and they are not joining me on this effort. I need you. :)
  • marywaters24
    marywaters24 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I have been doing keto since after thanksgiving. I'm fully fat adapted now that I made changes and have lost 10lbs since starting.